Twigs and Leaves

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"I love you."

Even when he repeated those simple words, I still couldn't process them. I just stared at him the startled expression frozen on my face.

Did I love him?

Just the thought of it sent chills down my spine. Whenever it popped up in my head I quickly brushed it off out of fear. It would hurt if I figured out I was in love with him and he didn't reciprocate.

But of course, I'm in this situation.

I know he loves me now, but I don't know where my feelings lie, because I've been ignoring them.

"Y/N," Camilo snapped me out of my thoughts, "Sorry... I shouldn't have said that." Suddenly realizing the weight of his words panic flicked across his face.

"No- wait!" I quickly interjected, "I..."

I didn't want to say it back if I didn't really know if that's how I felt. And I sure as hell didn't want to corrupt the word love for us like how my mom had.

"I'm sorry... I don't want to say it back if I don't know if I mean it. I haven't given much thought. Not that I don't care though! I just... was scared of it, I guess?" I tried my best to explain it quickly.

"It's fine."

It didn't look fine.


I was cut off by a shout that echoed through Casita.

"Abuela! There's a fire in the town! It's serious!" Isabela shouted.

The two of us quickly stood up and rushed over to where the family was gathering. I glanced out a window and sure as hell there was smoke pouring into the sky.

"Where? Is anyone inside the building?" Alma asked Isabela who seemed to be freaking out.

"Around the town square. Luckily everyone in the building was able to escape."

"Luisa!" Alma caught the attention the girl, "There should be barrels of water in the emergency shed. Go grab as many as you can carry. Mirabel and Camilo, go help her." They quickly left to get a head start before the others left, "Julieta go grab food in case anyone gets hurt. Where's Pepa?"

"She went with Bruno to go help to a neighboring town to grab supplies we couldn't get here." Dolores informed her.

"There's no way she'll be back in time to help." Alma turned her attention to me, "Y/N. Recently you were able to use any part of your gift, right?"

"Um- well yeah, but I haven't tried to use all of them in a while. And I don't know what emotion triggered it." I voiced my doubts.

"That's fine, all we need is for you to try to manipulate the water to extinguish the fire. If you can't it's fine we can still manage."

I nodded and she motioned for everyone mentioned to head out.

The sinking feeling of dread filled my stomach as we walked towards the smoke. There was no way I'd have access to all my powers or whatever you want to call them.

As we approached the burning house I noticed a crowd had gathered.

"Everyone please clear out!" Alma said making the crowd disperse enough for us to get through.

At that moment Luisa, Camilo, and Mirabel appeared with the barrels. They opened the top of one and Alma looked to me.

I took a deep breath feeling my hands shake from the pressure. I tried to focus on the water but when I looked back at it something was wrong.

It was frozen.


My breath got caught in my throat. 

'This is not the time Y/N.' I thought to myself.

I felt a hand slip into my free one. Camilo stood right beside me. He gave my hand a comforting squeeze.

"You got this." He whispered.

A warm feeling replaced the dread.

Taking another deep breath I focused back on the water. It melted from its solid state. After it had completely melted it flew into the air creating a dome around the house. It closed in on the building and as it did the flames were extinguished.

I let out a sigh of relief.

The family who owned the home quickly thanked us as Julieta tended to their wounds. We carefully began to inspect the house.

Due to our quick response the damage wasn't too bad. But my attention wasn't on the condition of any furniture.

I crept to the middle of the front room. There was a pile of twigs and leaves. It had to be the cause of the fire. They seemed to be more burnt than anything else in the house.

The feeling of dread set in again.

"Senora Alma..." I got her attention, "This might've been arson..."

"What?" She gave me a startled look.

"There's a random pile of twigs and leaves right here. It must've been the cause of the fire. It's common sense that these things are highly flammable. Someone put this here and purposely lit it on fire." I explained.

"You're right... but who would've done this? We've had fires before but never... arson." She turned to the adults of the family who lived here, "Can you think of anyone capable of this?"

"No... we don't have any enemies if that's what your asking." The man, who I assumed was the father of the three children who stood next to the woman, responded.

"I need to get some fresh air." I announced before walking out of the burnt house.

The crowd had completely dissolved by now. There was no reason for them to dawdle anymore, the fire was gone.

The sky was growing darker as it got later. I sat down on a ledge with my back turned to the house.



The sound came from a dark alley just across from where I was sitting. After each noise a small light shone from the darkness of the alley.

I cautiously got to my feet to check out what the light was. As I got closer I noticed a figure in the alley they  were flicking a flip lighter on and off.

"Hey what are you doing?" I said.

They lifted their head and the fire illuminated their face.

"Did you miss me my doll?"

I stepped back at the sound of Damien's drawling voice, but my back hit something. Two people had blocked me between Damien and them.

Immediately sensing what was about to happen I called out,



Shits about to go down lmao


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