Remedies pt 2

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"Really?!" I said excitedly.

"Yeah, it's no problem." Julieta smiled. "So do you know how to make anything already?"

"Let me see, I can make grilled cheese, eggs, and uhhhh toast?"

"Okay... so you have a lot to learn. But that's fine. Come here."


I walked over to where she was, her focus was on the dough she was kneading.

"Here," she handed me a small piece, "Take the dough and knead it into the shape you want." She modeled it for me and I followed her instructions. "Then all you need to do is cook it." She placed hers onto the stove.

Hesitantly I placed mine down to, compared to hers the shape was all wonky. But I still did it.

After a bit, she told me to flip it so I did. Finally it was done,

"And there you have it. You made an arepa, good job." She smiled.

"It looks weird though." I examined it in my hands.

"That's fine you won't get it perfect first try." She assured me, "You can always try making more. Actually, can you continue making the arepas while I make the other food?"

"Are you sure you want me to?"

"Of course mija."

A warm feeling stirred in my stomach as I heard the nickname. It reminded me of my childhood.

"Alright I got this." I muttered to myself.

Camilo's POV

I huffed in annoyance as Dolores dragged me to yet another shop.

"Stop being dramatic we only have a couple more things to grab." Dolores told me.

"You said that an hour ago..." I groaned.

"Come on." She rolled her eyes as she led me to a shop that had a bunch of kitchen supplies. Reluctantly I followed my gaze flicking around as an idea popped into my head.

I walked over to the stand that was displaying a knife set, I picked one up. And it "slipped" in my hand leaving a gash on my palm.

Don't get me wrong, it did hurt like hell, but my tia could fix it in less than a second.

I caught Dolores' attention as I yelped in pain.

"Camilo... what do you do?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"I'm hurt, I need to go back to casita."

"Seriously?" She sighed, "Fine just go."

At her words I sprinted out of the shop and towards casita. A smile was wide on my face.

"Tia Julieta! I need food, I'm hurt, I'm dying." I called out dramatically as I entered the kitchen.

Y/N glanced back at the sound of my voice as my tia looked up.

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