Only a Mother Could Love

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Third person POV

The dim candle flickered disrupting the light in the small abandoned house just outside of the Encanto.

"Where is she?" A man, about 40, whispered harshly.

"I don't know. She should be here by now. Anyways you should be grateful, she's not gonna be happy about your screw up yesterday." A younger woman with fiery red hair replied.

"That wasn't my fault! She didn't tell me that girl had experience in self defense. She led me to believe it would be as simple as stealing candy from a baby!"

"Real professional, lost against a fifteen year old girl."

"I didn't lose! We ran out of time."

"Will you two shut it." A new voice snapped.

A boy, about 16, sat in a corner, a dark expression painted on his face. He had slicked back dark brown hair, contrasting to his pale skin.

"Oh you little-" The man begun.

"You're all getting along I hope." A new woman cut in. "Remember you're getting paid as a team, there's no way you can succeed alone."

"Yes ma'am, yesterday's attempt went well according to the plan." The boy quickly responded.

"What do you mean? Yesterday was a disaster! The old man failed to capture the girl, so now they're aware we're after her!" The woman with red hair exclaimed.

"Yes, Lucie, I know, the goal was to alert them of our presence." The older woman corrected the younger.

"What? Why would we want them to know we're here!" Lucie challenged.

"To cause panic. You know the girl has supernatural abilities. Far beyond your pay grade." The boy scoffed, "Now that we've revealed just enough, it'll be harder to get a control of her gift in the midst of her anxiety over the situation."

"How do you know all this?" Lucie remarked.

"Because unlike you two, I'm doing this for no money, there is a greater reward for me in the end, that is if we succeed."

"He's right. Thank you Damien. I can explain the rest to you two now." The older woman gestured to the older man and Lucie, "Tomorrow you will be assuming the role of an actual citizen of the town. A certain family has agreed to say you're distant relatives. You'll be using fake names of course, and Damien," she turned to the teenager, "stay away from Y/N. She may possibly recognize you."

"Alright." Damien mumbled clearly unhappy about it.

"Okay, I have to go now. My husband may get suspicious if I stay any longer. And remember, don't screw this up." The older lady warned.


These past couple of days after the attack, Camilo had barely left my side. I didn't mind though, it made me feel safer, even if it was just a tiny bit.

The adults still hadn't told us what they suspected was happening. It seriously pissed me off. But I couldn't do anything about it. At least I could stay with Camilo more though.

Every night I had switched between sleeping in my own room and spending the night at the Madrigal's.

Today was one of the days where I stayed at Casita instead of going home with Ben.

I walked out of the bathroom after changing into pajamas. As I opened the door to Camilo's room Mirabel called out to me.

"Goodnight Y/N!"

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