Do You Understand?

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Camilo's POV

(We're going back in time for this POV✌🏻)

"Of course he did..." Y/N groaned.

A small pout formed on her face expressing her annoyance. I couldn't help but find her frustration adorable.

"Camilo!" Someone called my name snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Alright, I guess I'll leave you alone with Bruno now." I said with a smile, "Bye Y/N."

I made my way upstairs as they called out my name again. This time I could recognize it as my sisters voice.

"Where are you Dolores?" I muttered.

"I'm in your room!" Of course she heard me...

Why was she in my room?

I quickened my pace as I reached the glowing door that was slightly open. Opening the door I found Dolores holding a glowing vision.

"Camilo what is this?" She held out the vision and I froze, "Did you get a vision from Bruno?"

"What are you doing in my room?" I avoided the question.

"Abuela asked me to do the laundry today, now explain."

"I don't have to explain anything to you."

I quickly snatched the vision out of her hands.

"Tell me or I'll get mamá." She threatened.

"I just... wanted to look, okay? How did you even find it anyways, were you going through my stuff?"

"Dios mio, Camilo you idiot. It was just sitting on your bed! Of course I was gonna see it. It glows!"  Dolores whisper-yelled at me.

"Just get out of my room please." I said dejectedly.

"Alright, but I'm on to you Camilo. Hm." Dolores teased.

After making sure she noticed I rolled my eyes I glanced back at the vision in my hands.

What was I supposed to do with this information?


On my way to the Madrigals for my fourth day of spending time with each of them, someone stopped me right in my tracks.

I groaned in annoyance as my eyes locked onto the girl with blonde hair.

"Oh look it's the whore." She ridiculed me.

"Don't you think it's a little to early for this type of bullshit, Victoria?" I sighed.

"Don't you think it's about time you stay away from Camilo?"

"Girl what kind of come back was that?"

Her confident stance fell for a moment but immediately came back as she scoffed.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from him! I'm trying to save you from the realization that he's in love with me, not you, or anyone else. I'm really just trying to be the good guy here!"

I couldn't hold back my laughter when she finished her sentence,

"You're really trying to convince me I'm the bad guy. I hate to say this but the only person you convinced was yourself." I snickered.

"You'll see when I date him."

"Oh god you don't know yet do you? I'm gonna take immense satisfaction from telling you this." I paused for dramatic effect, "I'm Camilo's girlfriend."

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