Do I know you?

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Camilo POV

"Oh well come on." She said as she headed to the stairs.

Semi-reluctant I followed, as we entered the dining room I saw everyone was already sitting down. I had been lagging behind Mirabel so by the time I got in the room she had already sat down. The only seat being next Y/N. Shit shit shit. I tried to sit down without looking at her but we still made eye contact, I quickly looked away though.


Mirabel came back once everyone had sat down at the table and not far behind was Camilo. I think? Hopefully. The only seat left was right beside me, when he sat down he glanced at me but looked away as soon as he saw I was looking at him too.

"Everyone, as most of us know we have a guest here. For those of you who don't know she is staying with Ben for the time being. During this time period she will be spending time with us in hopes of gaining a better understanding and control of her gift." Alma announced

"I just wanna say I'm really grateful for you guys being willing to help me even though you don't have to, so thank you." I said.

"Hey no worries were happy to have you." Mirabel gently nudged me as she spoke.

I looked around me as the others were nodding in agreement, I saw Camilo was looking down at the table with a small smile. I wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing but for whatever reason it gave me butterflies in my stomach. I didn't realize I was still looking at him until he looked back at me. Time seemed to freeze for a couple seconds. A voice interrupted our small interaction and brought me back to reality.

"So Y/N, what exactly is your gift? Sorry it's just I was never told." Bruno asked.

"Oh- uh well I can control different elements based on my mood." I responded.

"What emotions correspond to what elements?" Pepa asked.

"As far I know anger equals fire, sadness equals water, and anxiousness equals ice." I said

"What about happiness?" Antonio said.

"Oh right... when I'm happy I can make crystals." I answered.

"What was it like living in the city?" Camilo asked changing the subject.

"It was... I don't really know how to describe it. It was pretty but the people there definitely weren't the nicest." I said

"Wait really? How so?" Camilo said

"Um well they don't take to kindly to people who are... different. Especially in the schools." I said accidentally letting the bitterness sink into my voice at the last part.

We kept up small talk as we all finished our dinner, I kept glancing at Camilo trying to figure out why he seemed so familiar. After dinner me and Mirabel headed to her room. It was a bit messy but I didn't mind.

"I wonder why Camilo was acting so weird around you." Mirabel said when we sat down on her bed.

"He doesn't normally act like that?" I asked.

"You mean try to ignore someone and miserably fail by instead staring at them when they aren't looking? God no."

"Wait what."

"You didn't notice?" She laughed.

"We looked at each other a couple times, but I thought he thought I was staring at him."

"Anyways I don't know why he'd ignore you. He's normally very talkative and social with new people."

"Did I do something wrong or something?" I started to worry.

"What! No, of course not, you hadn't even seen him before dinner."

"I need to go to the bathroom I'll be back." I said getting up


As I walked down the hall to the restroom I noticed it was already dark outside. The time had passed quickly, I was already comfortable being around them too, especially Mirabel. Mirabel and I just clicked, maybe because we have similar interests.

I noticed there were a couple pictures on the wall of each of the family members in front of their door from the day they got their gift. As I was staring at the pictures I suddenly felt someone tap my shoulder,

"Holy shit." I said in alarm as I was caught off guard.

"Do you really not remember?" Camilo said paying no mind to the fact he scared the shit out of me.

"What do you mean?"

"I- never mind forget I said anything." He said and started walking away.

Camilo POV

Why did I ask? That was an idiotic thing to do. Why would she remember or even care?! My thoughts raced around as I walked away. My mind grew loud with negative thoughts and emotions, then a voice broke the noise,

"Wait, please."


Camilo is finally interacting with Y/N lmao finally

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