The Market

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(I drew Bruno and Camilo^)

Ben's POV

I was trying to do my work when Y/N just into my office. Her face was red. I already knew who she was gonna talk about but I still said,

"Are you okay kiddo?"

"Camilo just asked me on a date." Y/N said very loudly, "and I said yes."

"I know." I said simply before focusing back on my work.


"The idiot knocked on the front door looking for you, but I answered it. Then he proceeded to explain what he was doing." I explained.

"So he did try knocking on the front door..." she said trailing off into her thoughts. "Hey- you can't call him an idiot Ben, that's my job."

"Okay." I played along.

Eventually she left me alone to do my work.


Time skip brought to you by I didn't know where to put this time skip so-

I woke up to hearing a knock on the door.

"Y/N?" Someone said as I heard the door open.

I wasn't sure who it was cause I was still in the process of waking up. I tried covering myself with my blanket to block the light that was let in.

They yanked the blanket off of me and I covered my eyes because of the light. When my eyes readjusted I saw Mirabel.

"Mirabel what are you doing here? It's too early and I'm coming over at 2:30 anyways so?" I questioned.

"Y/N, you know it's 12 right?" Mirabel said.

What? No way I slept that long. I reached for my clock that was on the bedside table. Sure enough it read, 12:03.

"What the..?" I said.

"Did you go to stay up late?" Mirabel asked.

"Uhhh, no, definitely not." I lied.

I stayed up almost all night, I didn't want to but I couldn't fall asleep, I was just really excited.

"Mhm yeah I'm sure that's true." Mirabel sarcastically said.

"Right, so why are you here though?" I asked.

"Dolores and I wanted to help you get something to wear."

"I already have something to wear. Also Dolores is here too?"

"Yeah she's waiting outside, show me this outfit."

I got up slowly and went to my dresser to pull it out. It was just a simple dress.

"Haha.. no" Mirabel judged.

"Girl- I don't have money to buy something else." I told her.

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