Self Care

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(Luisa won by four votes lmao)


Somehow this week had gone by extremely fast, and I failed to get my work that my mom sent done. It's not that I forgot about it, it's just I was conflicted on whether or not to actually do it.

Should I not do it to make a statement, but ultimately screw myself over? Or do it to try to save my reputation with my mother, but still ultimately screw myself over?

There was no winning.

Especially when it came to my mom.

My frustration escaped me in the form of a groan as I let my head fall onto my desk.

The sun wasn't even in the sky, yet here I am, awake.

I was finding hard to focus which just made me even more frustrated. The lack of light messed with my concentration, but I didn't want to turn on my light or there would be no chance I would sleep after.

Maybe I need a quick break.

After a quick stretch I made my way to the kitchen. Surprisingly Ben wasn't there. I already knew why though, Ben had gotten pretty busy lately. Which required him to actually sleep.

I grabbed a small snack from one of the cupboards and sat down at the table. I gazed out the window looking for something to distract myself with.

Just then I could've sworn I saw something flash past.

I jumped up but my vision began to fade and I gripped onto the table to stop myself from falling.

I rubbed my eyes so I could get my vision back.

My breath hitched when I saw someone in the window. But the second I blinked they were gone.

It took me a second to realize I had stopped breathing. Air filled my lungs as I took shallow breaths.

"Okay... I was just imagining things!" I whispered, "Right? No, I just need sleep. That's it."

My half hearted reassurance didn't do much to improve my panic. I quickly headed back to my room and buried my focus into a textbook.

Time skip brought to you by my English teacher being a fat mood 24/7, I'll explain at the end of you want to know how. Also I'll show the sticky notes.

A hand brushed my shoulder and I swatted it away with my eyes still closed.

"Go away Ben." I grumbled.

"Not Ben hermosa." A familiar voice laughed.

Reluctantly I opened my eyes to the bright light that shone through my window. After I adjusted to the unnecessary light, Camilo came into view.

"Why are you here?" I groaned.

"We agreed that I'd come pick you up today? Did you already forget?"

"Okay but why are you in my house?"

"Y/N, it's 9:30."

I shot up accidentally hitting Camilo in the process because he was leaning over me.

"What?!" I paused when I saw him rubbing his head, "Oh! Sorry Milo."

"It's fine."

"Oh god I need to change."

I threw open my dresser and dug through some clothes. Once I found a decent outfit I looked at Camilo.

"What?" He questioned my look.

"Are you gonna get out? I kinda need to change."

"Hm? Right!"

I noticed his face got red at the comment before he quickly left my room.

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