The Other world

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Hello! This was a request from alexandrabaileylover! Hope you enjoy!

(This is from tlos, if you haven't read it I recommend!)

"What on Earth is that!" Red exclaimed, examining the small phone on the table. She had a small line of confusion settling on her forehead as she stared at the small square.

Conner chuckled at his friend's excitement. He was so glad that there were no more threats in The Land of Stories, and that, at last, his friends were safe. But he found it slightly entertaining how shocked his buddies were about everyday objects.

"That's a cell phone," Alex chimef in, repositioning her headband. She smiled. "You use it to call someone."

"What does that mean?" Froggy asked, picking it up to look at it more closely.

"It means...." Conner started to explain, then trailed off. What did it mean?

"It's sorta like Walkie-Talkies," Bree tried. "You can contact someone from far away."

"What are Walkie-Talkies?" Goldilocks asked, grabbing the phone from Froggy. She passed it to Jack after she looked at it.

"Those devices we showed you earlier," Alex explained patiently. She loved watching her friend's become more curious with each new thing they showed them.

"Cool," Red said, sounding slightly bored and annoyed. "Let's go do something fun!" She exclaimed, examining her freshly painted red nails.

Conner glanced at Alex and Bree. It probably wasn't a good idea to take the gang out. But then again, it would be really entertaing.....

"Alright," he said, much to Alex's surprise and dismay. She knew it wasn't the practical choice. "Just...change first. We can't exactly have you walking around in that." Conner gestured to Red's gigantic dress that included tons of frills, sparkles, and shiny things.

Red huffed as Goldilocks snorted. "Why not?"

Bree giggled. "Because we aren't going to a ball, Red. We're walking into town."

"Walking!" Red exclaimed, looking horrified. "Can't we go in one of those...things? The little motorized carriages?"

"Cars?" Alex supplied helpfully.


"Because, honey," Froggy said, taking his lover's hand. "I heard it can cost money to drive those things. Plus, none of us know how to. And I really think you ought to change. This isn't our kingdom, so it may look a little strange for you to walk around like that."

Red pouted. "Fine." She rolled her eyes, annoyed. She stood up from the chair she had been sitting in and marched out of the room, returning a few minutes later with a slightly less exaggerated gown.

"That's not much better," Jack commented.

Red huffed. "It's the most simple one I have!"

"It'll do," Bree broke in before they started arguing. She was trying to keep her cool, but she was already getting overwhelmed. "Let's just go."

They walked out the door into the warm sunshine of the midsummer day. The town wasn't very far off, so they made it there in short time.

"Woah!" Goldilocks breathed, pointing at the sky. "Is that a bird?"

Conner looked up and had to suppress a laugh. Alex shot him a look before saying, "That's a plane."

"It's basically a flying carriage," Bree added, before anyone could ask.

"That is truly inspiring," Froggy smiled in awe, staring.

"Come on, you haven't seen anything yet," Conner said, leading the group farther into his hometown.

"Holy crap!" Jack yelled suddenly, staring at a middle aged guy making a table in his front drive way. "Is that, like, an electric ax or something?"

He pointed at the table saw the guy was holding, his face a mixture of shock and joy.

Alex giggled. "Basically. It helps cut things."

"That's the coolest thing I've ever seen!"

Goldilocks rolled her eyes, though she did look a bit impressed. "Whatever. Let's just go do something fun."

"Like what?" Red questioned, somehow sounding both bored and interested. "Shopping? We could totally go shopping. I wouldn't mind."

"I'm sure you wouldn't," Conner mumbled under his breath, and Alex elbowed him as Bree giggled.

"I guess," Goldilocks muttered, seeming less than thrilled by the idea.

"YAY!" Red yelled, grabbing Froggy's hand and leading him into the store closest to them. The rest of the group reluctantly followed behind.

"What is this?" Red called from ahead of them, waiting for them to catch up.

"What?" Bree asked when she could see where Red was looking.

The young queen held up a small dress. It was blue, looked pretty uncomfortable, and had sparkles everywhere.

"Ohhhh," Bree breathed. "That's a Cinderella costume. They sell them for little girls to play dress up with."

Red scrunched up her nose. "Is there one of me?" She asked, scowling as she looked through the clothes racks.

"Uh," Conner said, searching for something to distract her before she got upset that there wasn't a costume of her. "Woah, Red!" He exclaimed, finally seeing something that might be worth her attention. "Did you see that necklace!"

"What? Where? What necklace?" Red asked, completely forgetting the costume.

Goldilocks snickered as Conner said, "Over there! And hurry! Someone might buy it!"

"NO!!" Red exclaimed, dragging a miserable looking Froggy over to where Conner was pointing.

"Ugh," Bree grumbled. "Good job, Conner. Now Mrs. Beauty Queen is gonna be rambling about jewelery for hours."

Conner shrugged, smirking as the group left to find Red.

Alex trailed slightly behind, staring at her friends. She was Red and Froggy talking about something, Red doing little hops excitedly. Conner and Bree were holding hands, both looking nervous, but it was still enough to make Alex's heart melt. Jack and Goldilocks were examining some baby clothes, looking thrilled.

Alex smiled. It was amazing seeing her closest friends together, laughing and talking and being safe.

With a huge grin still plastered on her face, she races of to join her friends.

Soooooo that was kinda terrible. Idk I sorta got writer's block but was like "imma do this anyway."

So it might not be that good. But hoped you enjoyed anyways! Thx for the request and feel free to do more!

Love you!

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