Freddy Freeman x Reader

756 11 31

This is a request from mommy108!

Prompt: AAAAA, another request, sorry, how about Freddy freeman x chubby reader like this chapter? Like, the Breyer’s make fun of you and Freddy gets frustrated

My love for this request is too much

Angstttt warning lol

Love you!


The remark left your face flushing, and you looked down, hoping your hair could hide the blush.


You stirred, trying to keep your gaze down as you backed up, not realizing that the Breyer's had backed you into a corner until you felt the dirty school wall on your back.

Ignore them, you thought. They don't matter.

Still, the laughter erupting from them only made the red on your face more evident.

"Shut the frick up," a voice suddenly growled, and you looked up to see Freddy, walking as fast as he could manage towards you and the Breyer's.

Brett snickered. "Or what, cripple? Huh? What are you gonna be able to do?"

Freddy blushed, but he positioned himself in front of you protectively. "Go away," he ordered, his voice the hardest you'd ever heard it.

Burke and Brett shared a look that seemed to say, This kid is dead if he thinks he can speak to us that way, and before you could warn Freddy, they reached out of pushed him, hard, and he was wobbling like a leaf in a rainstorm.

You managed to catch him before he fell, pulling him to your side. You loved him for trying to help you, but if it only got him bullied, what was the point?

"Please," Freddy said, but his tone was anything but pleading. More like . . . deadly. "Go away."

The Breyer's snickers made your heart sink.

"You're so pathetic," Brett commented, mussing up Freddy's hair.

Freddy flushed, embarrassed, and swatted his hand away. "Leave my girlfriend alone. She's beautiful."

"Compared to you, maybe," Burke replied, managing to insult both of you. Your face flamed.

Freddy flushed once again and glared. "Hey, back off--"

You put a hand on his shoulder, interrupting him and gently moving him behind you. "Not worth it," you whispered, even though you were itching to fight them. How dare they say those things? How dare they hurt your boyfriend like that?

Still, you wouldn't win in a fight against them. You weren't stupid, you could see that.

"Please, go away," you said, your voice low and quiet. Maybe if you didn't put up a huge fight, they would leave. Maybe.

"Oh, that hippo's forming sentences now!" Burke exclaimed, and hope abandoned you.

Humiliation flooded you again, and you looked down, red engulfing your cheeks. All confidence was sucked out of you, and you wished you could sink back into the shadows and wait for them to leave.

"Stay away from my girlfriend," Freddy hissed, pushing himself in front of you. He was short, compared to the Breyer's, but his gaze was so intimidating even you were taken aback and snapped out of your daze. You stared at him.

Burke blinked. Muttered a curse. Glared.

But then he did something miraculous. He turned and walked away without another word.

Later, you would discover it was to steal Freddy's math book from his locker instead of getting into a huge physical fight, but still. You were feeling pretty good that Freddy had managed to get him away from them, for the time being.

Without his brother, Brett was hunched over, slightly. He had an ugly zit on his nose. You felt like laughing.

He glared at you, then turned his attention back to your boyfriend. "You'll pay for this," he promised Freddy. "You and your hippo of a girlfriend."

The remark stung, draining any bit of amusement you had in you, but you didn't have time to register it before Brett gave Freddy one more shove and left to go find his brother.

Freddy leaned into you for a second before regaining his balance, then turned around to face you. His face was red, and whether it was from anger or embarrassment, you couldn't tell.

Quietness settled over the two of you, like a thick and dreary blanket. You shivered.

"Thanks," you said, because you didn't know what else to say. The silence was too awkward.

"No problem." His voice was tight.

"Are you okay?" you asked, because you realized the pushing might have hurt his leg, and because you were his girlfriend you should probably check in with him.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," he promised, blushing. He took a deep breath. "And you?"

"They didn't touch me," you said, because that was easier then answering.

"That's not what I meant, and you know it."

You blushed, trying to hide your face behind your hair. When you didn't answer, Freddy sighed.

It was silent for a moment afterword, before the sound of Freddy's shifting his crutch forward met your ears, and he was right in front of you. You stared at his shoes. They were old and worn. He needed new owns.

You were taller than him, too. For whatever reason, that struck you as funny, though you didn't laugh. You didn't feel like it.

Freddy reached out, slowly, and swept your hair behind your ear, so that you could see him better. Or maybe it was so he could see you. Either way, his gold flecked eyes made you regret not looking at him before. His brows were turned up in concern. He looked cute.

He was closer than you thought. You blushed.

"You," Freddy said, slowly, as if trying to find the right words, and you watched his lips move, "are beautiful. I know it doesn't feel like it but . . . it's true."

You blushed harder. "Thanks." You sounded sarcastic to your own ears. You didn't try to fix it.

"I'm not just saying that, ya know." Freddy could obviously hear the I don't believe a word you just said in your voice. You were almost glad he did. It made him a good boyfriend when he saw through your masks. "If you could see yourself from my eyes, then you'd understand. You are so pretty, y/n. Pretty and awesome and beautiful and funny and amazing."

You giggled, then, because it was hard not to be happy around Freddy, and you never really knew what to do with a compliment. But you let his words wash over you, fighting, trying to believe them with all that you had. Maybe you didn't really understand them. Maybe it was stupid. Maybe you still felt like you were big, and maybe Freddy was lying, and maybe the bullies were right.

But maybe that was okay. Maybe you were beautiful in your own way. Maybe Freddy wasn't lying, and he really believed that you were. The thought made you feel lighter.

Maybe Freddy loved you.

And maybe, maybe, you were okay with that.

Okay with Freddy.


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