Freddy Freeman x Chubby Reader

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So, I really like this request. A whole lot. This is another from mommy108 (who is basically the reason this story even has chapters, lol. Thx to them.)

I don't really feel like retrieving the request right now to give you the gist of the chapter, so I'm not gonna. It's just a really long process for my stupid phone lol. But if you read the title, I'm pretty sure you'll understand it.

Here we go!

You stood in front of the mirror in your room. You were wearing a semi-tight black shirt that you had just gotten, hoping it would fit and flatter you.

Does this make me look too fat? You thought, twisting your body at different angles and examining it. Gosh, it does. I should change.

You sighed, pulling off the shirt and looking back in the mirror. I really need to loose some weight, You thought bitterly, cupping your midsection and squeezing.

You grabbed a much looser shirt off your dresser and pulled it on, ignoring the sinking feeling in your stomach as you looked in the mirror again.

"I need to loose some weight," You said out loud again instead of thinking it.

"What?" A voice from behind you said in a confused tone. You instantly recognized it as your boyfriend's soothing tone, and you turned to see Freddy Freeman standing there, looking slightly confused from your remark.

You had started dating him just a month ago, when you had met him in school. It wasn't that you were the new student or anything, but you just hadn't really noticed him. That is, until you saw the Breyer's messing with him, and you couldn't stand it. You told them to frick off, and you had started seeing each other soon after.

"Nothing," you faked a smile, crossing your hands over your stomach to hide the small layer of pudge.

Freddy frowned, shifting his grip on his crutch as he walked over and sat on your bed. You took a small step forward on instinct when he winced from the movement of his leg, but he shot you a small smile to tell you it was okay.

"What are you even doing here?" You changed the subject nervously as you sat next to him. Maybe that would distract him from what he had heard.

"We have a date, remember? I thought I was taking you to the park," he said slowly and quietly, obviously still hurting from jostling his leg. "Your mom let me in and told me to go upstairs."

You nodded and grabbed his hand to comfort him. You shot him a small smile before saying, "Oh, yeah. Wow, I can't believe I forgot. Just let me get ready real fast."

Freddy cocked an eyebrow as he squeezed your hand and leaned into you, cuddling. He seemed to always want to cuddle. It was his love language. "You look fine. Let's just go."

You bit your lip. You loved this dork, but could he take a hint? "Yeah, sure. Let me grab my shoes."

Freddy nodded and pulled away as you stood up, then turned around to help him up. He shot you a slightly embarrassed but grateful smile as you hauled him to his feet and handed him his crutch.

You walked over to your closet and grabbed your sneakers, throwing them on as you shoved your phone in your pocket.

"Alright," you told Freddy. "Let's go."

He nodded, letting you lead the way down the stairs. When you reached the kitchen, you said a quick goodbye to your mother before throwing the door open and walking outside into the afternoon air.

It was a good day to go to the park. The sun was shining brightly and the light wind was refreshing. The sun was going down slowly, streaking the sky with a hundred different colors.

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