Freddy x Reader

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Should I just name this book "Shazam Imagines?"

I might

Anywho, this is from @mommy108!

Prompt: Freddy has a mental breakdown and you help him through it

Major angst in this chapter, but some comfort! Don't read if you're sensitive to emotional abuse.

You are more important than any fanfiction. If this will, might, or already has triggered something, don't read.

I love ya guys<3

"You stupid idiot!"

Freddy trembled, wanting to put his hands over his ears. He struggled to breathe, to push air in and out of his lungs, but he couldn't seem to complete the task.

"What are you, dumb? Just do it, you absolute waste of space. Just walk!"

Freddy opened his mouth to scream, but no sound came out. He knew he was in his room, but that's not what it felt like. He felt trapped in an unfamiliar place, the voice of his birth father the only one he could hear, the sound of his dad screaming into his ear.

"You're just a worthless coward! Who would want such a horrible thing hanging around? Not me!"

What was he supposed to be doing? Who was he with? Was he alone? The answers slipped out of Freddy's grasp, and he vaguely knew he was crying, but he couldn't bring himself to care. He let himself sob, he let himself break into a million pieces as he clawed at his head, like he could wipe away the memories as easy as that.

"Get out of my sight!"

He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to drown out the voice of his father, but new memories kept resurfacing whenever he managed to push one down, and he was still crying, crying, crying, why was he crying?

"Oh, you need this?" His dad taunted, showing Freddy the crutch he was holding. "Too bad, baby. Only normal kids get to walk, and you're anything but normal. This is mine until you can prove yourself."

Freddy forced his eyes open, focusing on his leg. He let out a frustrated cry and slammed his head back on the wall behind him.

Was he serious? Was he freaking serious? Was he actual sitting here, having a mental breakdown? What the actual frick was he doing?

"Freddy?" A small, timid voice asked, and he jumped about ten feet in the air.

He sniffled as he turned, almost expecting to find his father ready with a lecture on how boys don't cry. Instead, he found the small frame of Y/N, her eyes swelling with concern as she stared at him.

Freddy sniffled again and rubbed his nose. He couldn't believe he just had a breakdown in front of Y/N. She probably thought he was some idiot, some stupid foster kid that didn't know how to handle his emotions or how to drown put the voice of his overbearing father

"Sorry," he managed to hiccup out, his face flushed with tear marks as he furiously apologized. "I'm s-so sorry."

Her eyes went incredibly soft. "No, Freddy, it's okay. Really." She creeped a bit closer, not quite to him yet but close enough so that he knew of her presence. He wasn't sure if he wanted her farther away or right next to him.

"I'm sorry," he repeated, his echolalia probably annoying, but he couldn't help it. It always flared up when he had a breakdown, and he kept repeating things over and over and over, and he remembered how much his dad had hated it, and--

He shuddered, pushing the memory out of his mind before he could continue it.

Y/N shifted the smallest bit closer, her arm brushing his. "Stop apologizing, Freddy, it's really okay."

"I'm s-sorry. I'm so s-s-sorry," he blubbered, tears starting again.

Finally, Y/N was at him, and she wrapped him in a hug and let him cry on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry---" he tried to apologize again, but she shushed him.

"Shh, Freddy, it's okay. You're okay. We're okay. Deep breaths."

Freddy sobbed into her shoulder, and she rocked him back and forth. "Shhh."

"I'm so sorry," Freddy said again. "I'm sorry for being so w-worthless, I'm s-s-sorry, I --"

"Freddy," Y/N interrupted, pulling him closer. "You are enough. Enough for me." She kissed his forehead. "No matter what."

Freddy leaned into the touch, slowly quieting down until eventually he wore himself out so much that he fell asleep on your shoulder.

"I love you, Freddy," you whispered into his ear, wiping away his tears tracks. "You are amazing."

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