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Guys I have a little announcement so listen up

I have eight requests to write right now.

Like guys, if I use 1000 words on each request (normally I do about double that, but that's probably around the average word count) then that means that's 8000 words to write.

Not to mention, I have four other stories to update, and if those were just 1000 words (even though I know for sure that some will br longer), that means I have to write about 12000 words, and fast because I promised to update.

I am quite busy, if you haven't noticed.

So, I RESPECTFULLY ask that any farther requests are messaged to me instead of commented, so I can access them easily and later. I'm going to go pro writer mode today and like fulfill all the SUPERRR old requests and try to get some of the newer ones too. But be aware that any requests made from here on out, before I get them down to a manageable level, will not be published until later. So don't expect them right away!

(That is, unless I really like the request lol. Then I might work on to immediately.)

But yeah! It's so awesome to have so many requests, makes me feel so loved! So thank you so much, and I swear I'm writing as fast as I can!

Stay awesome! (Though i doubt that'll be too hard)

<3 <3 <3

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