Billy Batson x Chubby Reader

713 11 9

La la la

Billy Batson

La la la

X reader

La la la

Yesssss pls

Here you are, mommy108 Enjoy

(And yes, this does feature Freddy, but only for a little. I needed to incorporate him for personal reasons. Also known as my love for him XD. But yeah. This is BILLY x reader, Freddy's just in the beginning lol)

Tw for bullying and ✨sadness✨

Edit) this turned into a rlly long chapter with a lot of Freddy in the beginning. But bare with me! I swear the Billy part is coming!

This starts off kinda dark so.....yeah.

Stay safe, love you guys!

Freddy grunted, trying to shield himself as Brett pulled back his leg again, kicking him in the ribs.

That was the fifth time.

Freddy knew for sure there would be bruises.

Burke snickered as Freddy's face crumpled up with pain as Brett kicked him yet again, laughing when Freddy cried out in pain.

They were in a school hallway.

After school. Alone.

Freddy attempted to shield himself from the next kick, but Brett aimed for his bad leg instead of his ribs.

And suddenly Freddy was crying in front of the bullies.

"How pathetic!" Burke laughed. "Can't even handle a little pain."

Oh, what Freddy was feeling was far from a little pain. And he would've said that. If he could speak with the white hot pain rushing up and down his leg. It hurt so much. So much.

"Hey!" A voice called, and Freddy, Burke, and Brett all looked down the hall at the same time, Freddy trying to get ahold of hus tears.

Freddy wanted to look away when he saw Y/N and Billy. It was.....pathetic to be seen like this, to day the least. Especially with tears streaming down his face. He wished he could stop.

Brett laughed. "Oh, if it isn't your fake brother and his fat girlfriend," he said to Freddy.

Freddy glanced down the hall at y/n, her face bright red and sad. Billy looked like he wanted to kill someone.

Burke snickered and kicked Freddy again, without any warning, and Freddy let out a strangled gasp of pain as his leg hummed like a migraine.

Don't @ me but we are randomly changing povs so....yeah. This is y/n's humble pov from here on out! Okay, back to the story! Love you!

Your face flamed as you watched Freddy cry out in pain. He was your best friend, and you knew his leg was a tender spot.

Evidently, the bullies knew it, too, because they kicked there again, snickering as Freddy sobbed.

You clenched your hands into fists, embarrassment still washing over you from the bullies remark. You glanced at Billy (who was just as "battle-ready" as you,) and he seemed to be radiating pure hatred from his eyes.

And just like that, you were in front of Freddy, shielding him from the attacks, and Billy was right by your side, his arms spread out to cover the other half of Freddy that you couldn't.

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