Freddy X reader

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Super rushed lol, request from mommy108.

Prompt: just Freddy comforting you with period cramps

Tw's: mentions of periods and CRAMPS

obviously this is fem reader guys

Just Freddy comforting you, here ya go!

"Woah," Freddy said, studying you. "Are you okay, y/n? You look really pale."

"Yeah, yeah," you said through gritted teeth, holding your side. You were at your house and Freddy had come to visit, unaware that you had started your period and were dealing with the next level pain that came with it.

Freddy looked at you questioningly. "Are you sure?"

Anger flooded you at his persistence, and you wanted to snap at him, but you knew Freddy could hardly stand loud noises, so you bit your tongue. Besides, you weren't really that angry. Just in pain, and on your period, so your emotions were fricked up anyway.

You thought about telling him that you had started, but that would be weird. He was a boy, so he wouldn't really understand the awful way the cramps made your stomach twist and turn and clench. Only girls would ever get that.

Still, he was your boyfriend. He probably had a right to know, especially if you started acting hormonal and snapping at him. So you gritted your teeth and forced yourself to sit up from your bed, staring at him, the pain making you feel somewhat braver somehow. "Okay, you want the truth?"

Freddy nodded slowly, looking somewhat startled. You didn't blame him.

"I started my period, and I feel like absolute crap. These cramps are so bad and they really, really hurt and I'm sorry I'm being so weird but they're so awful and I thought you should know so I don't seem really off or something." You paused to take a deep breath, applying pressure to your hurt area. "It really, really, really, really, really, hurts, Freddy. Really bad. So I'm sorry if I'm being strange."

For a moment, it was silent. You worried Freddy was going to think you were gross for saying that. Most guys did. Right when you were starting to feel embarrassed about telling him, he said, "Is that all? Why didn't you tell me? It's not a huge deal, Y/n. I don't mind. All girls have them."

You looked up at him, massaging your stomach as you stared at your boyfriend in awe. How did you ever get such a perfect man?

You gently crawled over to him, trying not to spark any new pain in your stomach. He was laying on your bed, resting his leg from his walk here. You were careful not to jostle him as you slithered into his arms. He wrapped then around you.

"That better?" He asked, his voice muffled by your hair.

"No. But I like cuddling you," you told him, burying your face into his shirt farther.

He laughed lightly, the sound rumbling in your chest, and began playing with your hair. "How long do they last, normally?"

"Until they decide my torture is enough and leave me be," you responded sarcastically, moving closer. Freddy's warmth actually did help, a little, if you were being honest. Plus, it was a bonus to be so close to him.

"Want to get some medicine?" He asked, gently, obviously not knowing how to handle the situation.

You giggled, then winced as a fresh wave of pain hit you, reminding you to keep your laughing at a minimum. "That would just make me nauseous," you pointed out.

He cursed under his breath. "Wow, girls have it bad."

"We really do," you agreed, glad he understood. You shifted yourself, trying to find a comfortable position to lay in. Preferably one that reduced some of the pain in your lower stomach, though you doubted that would happen.

Freddy moved, too, trying to make you more comfortable, and you shot him a grateful smile despite the pain. He was too sweet for his own good.

He gently kissed your forehead, snuggling close to you. "Try to sleep," he urged.

You rolled your eyes, knowing sleep would be next to impossible with how bad you felt, but you didn't argue. Any excuse to cuddle with Freddy was worth it, you had decided. He was an excellent cuddler.

"Okay," you whispered, shutting your eyes and trying to block the pain.

Freddy hummed in answer, and you suspected he was already almost asleep.

You smiled and kissed him gently. He was so sweet. He really was helping, despite him not having any control over it.

You loved him.

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