Freddy x Chubby Reader

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From mommy108!

Prompt: You two go shopping. Innocent enough, right? Except it's not when you have a mental breakdown. Fun stuff happening right here.

You couldn't find one that fit.

You had tried on at least three different ones. They were all too small, too clingy on your skin and not at all what you wanted.

Really, you shouldn't have been that upset, you told yourself, staring in the mirror yet again. They were just stupid bathing suites. You would find one that fit, and it would be fine, because it had to be. It had to be fine, as it always had to.

And maybe you wouldn't even have been as upset as you were. Maybe it wouldn't even have bothered you that much.

But Freddy was there, and that made all the difference.

Having to pick one out, change into it, and realize it didn't fit, all with him right outside the fitting room door, was a little too much for you.

It was a little too much when you had to walk out, for the fourth time, and tell him that, "this one doesn't really work."

It was a little too much when you saw another girl, skinny and pretty, thrust open her door carrying her own bathing suite and ranting about how great it looks, and how she'll be the best looking girl on the beach!

It was a little too much when you hung the clothes back up, tears slowly working their way to your eyes.

It was a little too much when Freddy noticed, and grabbed your hand.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" He whispered, startled, but his voice was gentle and caring.

You shook your head. It was a little too much to try and explain.

But Freddy seemed to understand your silence, because he knew all about things that were a little too much. He slowly led you back into your dressing room, closing the door softly behind you guys, and pulling you two to the ground. He cast his crutch aside, and in the back of your numb and upset mind, you wondered if sometimes that crutch was a little too much for him. It must be, sometimes.

"Shh," he soothed, running his hand through your hair and untangling small pieces that decided to cling to him. "You're fine, now."

You whimpered. It was a little too much when he went and said something like that.

So you let it be too much. You let it crumble you, you let it squish you until you felt like you couldn't breathe, and suddenly you were crying all over again, and it was all pouring out of you in a flood of words and emotions, and you were telling Freddy everything, everything.

But he listened, and he didn't laugh or judge or call you dramatic. He simply held your hand, a soft and reassuring presence, squeezing it whenever it seemed like you couldn't go on.

"Hey, now," he whispered when you were finally done with your rant. "Hey, look at me."

Which of course made you look away, but he forced your gaze back on him with a tap to your nose.

And in that moment, you were struck with the fact of how impossibly wonderful he was. How perfect his round face seemed, and how his freckles were like stars, and his curly hair was soft and sweet. How his eyes were such a vibrant brown that they seemed to pierce right through you and trap you under his gaze.

How did you ever get to be so lucky?

Freddy didn't seem to notice your silence, but his calm reassuring hand on yours was just that: calm and reassuring, and simple and sweet and a little too much.

"Hey," he whispered again, his voice just as soft as before. "It's going to be fine, okay? I think you're beautiful, Y/N. Simply stunning. Way more than you think you know." He kissed your hand. "A lot more."

And you wrapped those simple word around your brain, like a hug that you could fall back on when you needed to, and you were sure you would need to.

"Did you know," he murmured against your neck from where his head rested. "That people are found three times more attractive than they find themselves?"

A small, tired smile tugged on your lips.

And it was a little too much.

But that was what started to make it a little okay.

Super short but kinda sweet so enjoy lol <33

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