Freddy Freeman X Chubby Reader

397 8 40

Okay, okay, okay.

*deep breath*

Heed the tags I'm about to say. Seriously. If these are triggers, DO NOT READ. Anything there is fair game and WILL be in this chapter.

Okay. The tags/tw's are #starving yourself
#SEVERE angst
#mentions of bullying
#Disability? Idk how to put this as a warning, but angst for Freddy about his leg.

Okay. Heed those warning guys.

Stay safe. You are so much more important than fanfiction.

This was a request from mommy108 mommy108 mommy108 mommy108

Gurl you are literally so beautiful. I know because all of us are queens here so yeah<333 Stop doubting your beautiful self okay love?

Here y'all go. Stay safe, loves.

Freddy stumbled.

Literally. His foot caught on his crutch, sending him down to the floor. He landed hard, his crutch dropping from his hand and smacking the ground with a metal clank. He was lucky it was only you there with him, and not someone else, though the people at the mall still looked at him weird.

Freddy felt his face heat up, his cheeks flushing red. He hated how even something as simple as walking was hard for him.

"Woah, Freddy, you okay?" You asked, walking over immediately, concern lurking it's way into your words. You crouched next to him.

Freddy nodded, flashing a semi-forced grin. "Yup. Just, you know, not very coordinated, if you know what I mean."

You stared at him for a moment, then sighed. "You are so ridiculous."

Freddy's smile was slightly less forced and he smirked at you. "That's why you love me." He batted his eyes.

You rolled your eyes, smiling, and helped him up. "I'm not gonna argue."

Freddy's next smile was almost real as he laughed at you. "Come on," he turned, hobbling towards where you guys where heading, a small food court filled with bustling people for lunch.

You and Freddy had been planning this "date," if you could call it that, for about a week, and Freddy was ecstatic that you had decided to go out with him. It didn't make much sense, he had decided, considering you could've gotten someone so much better. You know, like someone that could actually walk properly.

Freddy reached a table, sitting down and pushing the thought out of his head, tossing his annoying crutch to the side. Maybe, if he couldn't see it, he could pretend he was normal.

You sat across from him, and Freddy didn't miss how nervous you looked, your nails tapping on the table in a rhythm-less beat.

He raised his eyebrows, momentarily forgetting about his leg. You were never nervous. Even around the Breyer's, were Freddy was so anxious he'd get sick to his stomach. But somehow you were brave around them, sticking up for his pathetic self even if it caused you pain. That was one of the things he loved about you.

So, yeah. It was pretty strange to see you acting so weird, Especially when all you guys were doing was getting lunch. Were you nervous about your "date" with him? Or something else?

(Quick thing: I've never once been to a food court. No clue how they work. So....yeah. This is gonna be strange for those of you who have been to one before, or maybe it's correct. I have absolutely no clue.)

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