Freddy Freeman Soulmate au

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This turned into so much more than I thought ahhhh

From mommy108 lolll

This is the soulmate one where when you draw on your arm it appears on your soulmates :)


Freddy knew his soulmate wouldn't want him.

It was obvious. Everytime he looked in the mirror, he just knew.

He was ugly. He was a nerd. He had to use a stupid crutch to do something as simple as walk.

Who would want him?

That's why he ignored the marks that kept appearing on his arm. The little doodles, the tiny hearts. He didn't write back. They wouldn't want him, he was sure. He didn't want to disappoint them.

He watched as all his friends found their soulmates. He watched Billy write back to his, smiling at his arms like he had just won the lottery. He watched Mary meet her soulmate when she was at work, both of them noticing the words on each other's arms that they had been writing for weeks. Even Pedro found his, a pretty girl with long hair.

But Freddy wasn't going to find his. He didn't want to.

At least, that's what he told himself.


You wanted your soulmate.

Of course, you didn't know who it was. But you couldn't wait to meet him. Just to imagine, one day, you would stumble upon the one person that was meant to complete you, to make you feel joy like you've never felt.

That's why you kept writing to him. Over and over, everyday. You drew little doodles and wrote your favorite lyrics on your arms. You did calligraphy and wrote quotes and poems. You wanted him to respond.

But he never did.

Is there something wrong with me? You thought as you stared at your arms, which were blank accept the things you had drawn there.

Maybe there was, you decided, as you watched your friend write to her soulmate the next day. And your other friend find his.

You wouldn't have been surprised.


It was the Breyer's fault.

They made him do it.

They had cornered him in the hallway, mocking him, pointing to the drawings on his arms.

"Ooh, Freddy's soulmate is writing to him!" They teased.

Freddy felt his face flame, and he looked away.

"When are ya gonna write back, huh?"

They pushed him, and he tried to keep himself distracted by staring at the floor.

"Huh," Brett thrummed his knuckles on Freddy's head, making him grimace. "Guess he can't speak."

Burke snorted. "Or he already knows his soulmate wouldn't want him."

He did already know that. But it didn't make the words hurt any less.

"What do ya say we write back for him?"

And Freddy came alive, backing up as far as he was able, eyes wide. He hit the wall behind him. "No."

"Why, not?" Brett laughed. "Scared she'll reject you?"

Freddy didn't answer, just watched in utter horror as Burke took a black permanent marker out of his pocket.

Brett yanked Freddy's arm out toward his brother, twisting it so hard that Freddy winced.

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