Another Camilo x reader!

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Haha, here's another one! It's a request from mommy108.

Prompt: "Okay, I’ve already requested for Camilo…. But I have another request 😀 could you do a Camilo x reader again? Basically Camilo shape shifts into a little kid you babysit so he can hug you and stuff??"

Thx for the request! Love you guys!

Here we go!

Camilo took a deep breath, nervousness building in his stomach. It was time. He always felt bad tricking you, but he was so desperate for attention from someone, and you were the beat option he had. Maribel thought she had it bad, but Camilo? Well, he had it much worse. Everyone basically ignored him unless they needed help, and even then, they didn't need him. They needed someone else.

Camilo took a deep breath and forced those thoughts away. Focus.

A buzzing feeling settled into his gut as he peeked around the corner. He was outside, behind a building, watching you from a distance as you walked the street, holding a basket filled with biscuits.

The kid you babysat, Xavier, was a small boy with round eyes and a button nose. He had odd bright eyes, which didn't go with his curly dark hair and tan skin, but he was still adorable. Which was the reason that every time you saw him, you would pick him up and cuddle him, laughing and tickling him.

And that was the reason Camilo shape shifted into Xavier just about everyday, so you would give him attention and like him, even if it wasn't really, you know, him. Because how could ever like plain old Camilo?

That's right. You wouldn't. No one would.

But let's get one thing clear: Camilo didn't like you. Nope. Not at all. He didn't have a massive crush and want to date you. Or think about you everyday. Or daydream all the time about dating you. He just shape shifted because....he wanted a hug?

At least, that's what he told himself as he marched into the sunlight, quickly getting used to being the young boy instead of himself.

"Y/N!" Camilo explained, glad his gift came with the ability to mimick voices. His teenage tone had changed to that of a cute 6 year-old, an adorable little boy who still mispronounced his words.

"Oh, hello, Xavier. How are you?" Y/N said, turning to look at Camilo. She smiled pleasantly at the little boy as if talking to a friend.

"Good! How about you?" Camilo made sure to talk louder, like any little kid would.

"Haha, I'm doing fine." She paused, looking around, a cute crease appearing between her eyebrows. "Where are your padres? Shouldn't they be with you?" Y/N sounded slightly concerned.

Camilo had to think quick. "Oh, they'd talking to the girl who makes the arepas. Daddy hurt himself on the stairs."

Camilo winced as he realized he had chosen to talk about his own aunt. Oops.

"Oh, is your dad okay?"

"Yup!" Camilo popped the "p" in the word and walked closer to Y/N. "I wanted to say hi!"

She smiled and reached down and picked Camilo up, huffing from the weight of the little boy. "Hi to you, too, Xavier. How has your day been?"

Camilo leaned against Y/N's shoulder and closed his eyes, holding on to as much comfort as he could before saying, "Great! Mamá said she would take me to the store later!"

Y/N giggled softly as she pulled Camilo closer, giving him a quick squeeze before setting him down. He had to keep himself from sighing in disappointment. "That's fun! What do you want to get?"

Camilo shrugged his little kid shoulders. "I don't know."

Y/N smiled. "Well, I'm sure your parents are missing you. Do you know how to find them?"

Camilo furiously nodded. "Sì, they're just down the road."

Y/N smiled. "Okay, be careful now."

Okay pause for a sec, keep in mind that this "Xavier" is six, it is actually Camilo, and this is a small village in Colombia. You would probably never let a six year old wonder the streets in a town alone, but this is a little village with no cars. And it's just a little ways down the road. And it's actually a 15 year old boy. So....yeah. Back to the story.

"I will!" Camilo exclaimed in what he hoped was a happy manner.

Y/N kneeled down and gave him a quick hug, kissing him softly on the head. "Love you," she said sweetly, unaware she had just made Camilo's day.

That was the first time she had done something like that. Camilo wanted to leap around with joy, but he contained himself.

He smiled brightly and took off, waving at Y/N and going behind the building he had been around before. He changed into himself and touched the spot where Y/N had kissed him, blush spreading on his face as he replayed it over and over.

One day, when he was brave enough, he would tell Y/N how he felt. Until then, well, he would enjoy the small victories.

And a kiss on the top of his head? Definitely a small victory!


Y/N sighed happily, watching "Xavier" run behind a building excitedly. She found it slightly funny to know that it was actually Camilo, pretending to be the cute little boy.

At first, when he started doing it, she hadn't been able to tell. No difference at all. But thank the Lord that Dolores can hear everything, and had heard Camilo talking to himself about it.

So yeah, you knew that the little boy you had kissed was Camilo. It had been a last minute decision. You hadn't planned to kiss him and tell him you loved him until you did. It sorta just...happened.

You kept up the charade with Camilo because...well,  because you liked him. He was cute, and funny, and sweet. You didn't understand why he thought he had to change to someone else in order to show that.

You heard your madre calling your name in the distance, snapping you out of your thoughts. Time for lunch.

"Oh, well," you mumbled, watching the building Camilo had disappeared behind. "One day I'll tell him that I like him."

You smiled to yourself at the thought and walked away, humming a small tune as you thought about how you had kissed Camilo.

Okay, I loved this request, but I'm not sure if I fulfilled it right! mommy108, let me know if I didn't! I will totally redo it if not!

Anyways, thx for reading! Love you all! Request! Bye!

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