Freddy x Hurt Reader

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Oh, look. It's a request that I should've completed weeks ago

*laughs nervously*

Prompt: you twisted your arm, and Freddy gives ya some tips and tricks to feel better

This was from mommy108, am I am very aware of how late it is (Sorry!)


"My arm is killing me!" You complained, shuffling down the sidewalk with Freddy by your side. "It feels like it was just thrown into a garbage compactor."

Freddy huffed next to you, reminding you that you should've been walking slower for him. You quickly switched pace and he shot you a grateful smile before asking, "What did you do to it?"

You groaned, using your good arm to pick the bad one up and examine it. It didn't look any different then normal, despite the piercing pain racing up and down it.

"I'm not sure," you finally answered. "I think I twisted it, I don't know."

Freddy cocked his head towards you. "Sounds fun," he said sarcastically.

"Yeah, so fun." You rolled your eyes, letting your limb flop back to your side and wincing from the movement.

Freddy looked at it, his joking face melting into a concerned one. "How long has it been hurting?"

"Couple days." You shrugged. "My mom said it'll go away."

Freddy frowned as the two of you turned onto his street, spotting the house up ahead. Freddy had invited you over after school that day, and of course you had accepted. How could you say no to your boyfriend?

"Where does it hurt?" Freddy asked, craning his neck to get a look at your arm.

You took a step away, sticking out your tongue at him. "You sound like a concerned mother," you taunted, but secretly thought it was sweet of him.

Freddy's face flushed red. "Sorry," he mumbled.

You smiled sadly, taking his hand and squeezing it. "No reason to apologize. It's nice to know that you care." You winked at him.

Freddy's grin slowly returned as you started up the steps leading to his house. You raised your fist to knock, then grimaced when you realized you raised the wrong hand.

Freddy giggled from behind you, and you turned to glare.

"Sorry, sorry," he instantly apologized.

You huffed and rolled your eyes, but you were smiling as you raised the correct hand and pounded on the door.

It took a few moments, but eventually the door flew open. Eugene, Freddy's foster brother, held his phone in one hand and a still full soda in the other as he led them into the house.

"Thanks," you told him.

"Uh huh," he said back, not looking up from the game as he wandered back into the living room with as much grace as a staggering zombie.

"Is that y/n?" A voice called, and you barely had time to register Darla running towards you before she was there and wrapping you in a huge hug.

You grunted, pain shooting through your hand and arm as you attempted to hug her back.

You had hoped Darla wouldn't notice, but she pulled back and looked at you with big, curious eyes. "What's wrong?"

You shrugged, the winced. "Nothing, Darla, I'm okay."

She narrowed her eyes, and you couldn't help laughing a little at her concerned yet suspicious look.

"It's just my arm. It hurts a little," you finally admitted, since you knew there was no way Darla would let it go.

"Oh," she said, glancing at Freddy next to you. She bit her lip before asking, "Are you okay? How can I help? Do you need anything?"

You laughed. "I'm fine, Darla. Really. It'll probably go away on it's own."

She didn't seem to believe it, but she nodded anyway. "Okay."

You pulled her in for another quick hug before turning towards the stairs and walking up with Freddy behind you.

When you reached his room, he flopped onto his bed with a grunt as you took residence in his desk chair. You watched as he tossed his crutch lazily on the floor, and you noted that it would be too far for him to reach on his own.

Your shifted in your seat to try and get more comfortable, accidentally banging your arm on the armrest. It erupted into a white hot, piercing pain and you grimaced, rubbing it tenderly.

"You okay?" Freddy's concerned voice reminded you that you weren't alone, and you turned to look at him.

"Yeah, it just hurts," you said, wincing again.

He was quiet for a moment, and he wouldn't look at you as he mumbled, "There's a heating pad in the closet. That might help."

You stared at him. Then, slowly, you said, "Is that what you use for your leg? When it hurts?"

His face flushed a deep, embarrassed red, but all he  whispered back was, "Yes."

You nodded, gently, and stood up, and walked to the closet. Sitting on the ground, folded neatly and easily accessible, was a blue heating blanket.

You reached down, careful to use your good arm to pick it up as you carried it back over to the bed.

"Can I lay with you?" You asked, almost timidly, fiddling with your shirt.

Freddy looked shocked, then he was blushing, slightly, and in an embarrassed voice he muttered, "Uh, yeah, uh, s-sure."

You couldn't help giggling at his awkward answer. You bent down to plug the blanket in and plopped down next to Freddy. You snuggled against his chest as the blanket kicked on, sending sweet relief to your into your aching arm.

"Thanks, Freddy," you mumbled into his shirt, moving as close as you could physically get to him.

He planted a kiss on the top of your head, making you sigh. "No problem, Princess."

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