Sick Freddy x Reader

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Just a friendly reminder that ANYONE can request. Go ahead.

This was from mommy108! Thx for the request, I love it!

Prompt: Freddy comes to school sick and reader finds out


You knew something was off with Freddy.

He had been acting strange all day. His face was pale and sweaty, his eyes clouded. He wasn't talking, which was what worried you the most.

"Hey, are you alright?" You asked him, concern flowing through you as your eyes met his sad brown ones. You were walking down the hall, towards your next class.

He shrugged. "Yeah."

Which, of course, meant no.

You rolled your eyes. "Come on, Freddy, I know something's up. Just tell meeee," you teased, hoping your tone would bring out a smile. It didn't, and you drowned.

He shrugged again, clearing his throat, but his voice was still hoarse when he spoke. "I'm fine."

You sighed, examining his face for what felt like the hundredth time. His hair was flat against his head, his skin a pale color that made you concerned. His mouth was open, a little, and he was breathing through it instead of his nose. He looked sick.

"Oh my stars," you said, realization hitting you like a truck. "You're sick, aren't you?"

Freddy opened his mouth to respond, already shaking his head, but he started coughing instead.

You crossed your arms and raised your eyebrows, and Freddy flushed as he tried to keep himself from coughing again.

"Okay," he mumbled when the fit had past. "Maybe . . . I'm not feeling the greatest," he admitted.

You stared at him. "Freddy!" You exclaimed, glaring at your boyfriend. "Why would you come to school if you were sick!"

He shrugged, his gaze dropping to the floor. "I don't know," he muttered.

You exhaled, running a hand through your hair, starting to feel unnecessarily panicked. You didn't know how to care for a sick person! What were you supposed to do! "What feels bad?"

He shrugged, which was followed by a wince. "I don't know."

Frustrated, you listed, "Do you have a sore throat? Are you nauseous? Do you have a fever? A headache? Aches? Chills?"

Freddy shrank back, a little, at the tirade of questions, and shivered, despite the warm hallway. "Yes."


"All of it."

You rubbed your face, trying to keep your frustrations at bay. "Freddy, love, you need to go to the nurse."

He shook his head, fiddling with his crutch. "I'm fine," he croaked.

"You're not fine, Freddy," you said, concern making your anger fade. "You look like you're about to pass out."

Freddy shivered, again, and mumbled, "I feel like I might."

Alarm raced through you. "What? Are you serious?"

Freddy cracked a small smile, holding his stomach. "Just . . . kidding," he breathed.

Defiant, you placed your hands on your hips, glaring. "Freddy Freeman. You are going to the nurse right now, or I will drag you there myself." You held up your hand before he could protest. "And you couldn't stop me. You know that."

Freddy scowled. "Boy, girls sure are mean."

"Yes. Yes we are."

He sighed and started off towards the nurse. You followed, despite knowing you'd be late, and tried not to let the concern show through. But you couldn't help asking, "Do you need medicine? I have some in my bag. And. . . I don't know. Tissues?"

Freddy smiled, obviously knowing that you didn't exactly know how to handle the situation. It was a small, pale smile, but it was still a smile. "I'm okay. Rosa'll help."

You bit your lip.

He smiled again, but it seemed more forced. "Really, y/n. I'll be fine."

You sighed, more worried than angry. "Freddy, what part of sick do you not understand? You're sick. Sick! You need to rest. You can't just be all 'oh I'll be fine.' You need to give yourself time to heal!"


Your expression softened when you saw the partly nervous look on his face, and you realized he probably didn't need you to yell. He was sick and feeling bad. You could save your lecture on health later, after he was all better.

"It's fine. Come on, Freddy," you said, this time more gentle.

He nodded, continuing down the hall by your side. After a few paces, he muttered, "You should go to class. You'll be late."

You turned to look at him. "Freddy. You're sick. I'm not leaving until I know you're better. Besides, I'll just get a pass."

"But you could get sick, too."

You sighed, a small smile tugging on you. It was cute when he was concerned, even if he was the one looking like death. "That's sweet, Freddy, but I don't care. I do, however, care about you, and you're sick. I want you to feel better."

He looked at you, his eyes soft, and smiled. Then he coughed.

You laughed as he blushed, wiping his mouth. You turned and continued marching forward. "Come on, Freddy."

He shuffled beside you, a little slower now, and soon you were at the nurse's office.

She smiled happily when Freddy came in, her blue eyes lighting up. "Hey there, sport! What can I do for you today? Is your leg bothering you again?"

Freddy's shrank at her enthusiasm, and you could imagine his head was throbbing. His face engulfed in red and he glanced at you, obviously embarrassed by his leg and the nurse's question. You sent him a reassuring smile to show him it didn't matter, you didn't care, and turned towards the nurse to answer for him. "He's sick."

The nurse's friendly smile disappeared, replaced by a frown. "Oh, I'm sorry. Come here, I'll take your temperature."

She pulled out a thermometer and waved it in the air for a second while Freddy shuffled over. She checked for a fever after waving it a few more times. After a few moments, it beeped.

You shot Freddy an I Told You So look when the nurse declared, "Yup, you've got a fever. 101 degrees, wow. You should be in bed. I'll call Rosa to see if she'll pick ya up, yeah?"

Freddy nodded miserably, walking over to one of the cots in the corner and laying down. The nurse turned to you when he was situated. "What about you, honey? Are you sick too?"

You panicked. You didn't want to leave Freddy, even if you weren't actually feeling bad. "Uh, my, uh, my stomach hurts."

The nurse frowned. "I'm sorry to hear that. You can go lay down next to Freddy, if you want, until it calms down."

You nodded, trying to look sick as you walked over. Freddy looked surprised to see you next to him.

"Did I get you sick?" He looked worried, and you laughed softly at his panic.

"I have a 'stomach ache,' Freddy," you said sarcastically, using air quotes. You faked a cough.

Freddy relaxed, a small smile forming. "Oh."

You frowned.

"What's wrong, y/n?" He sounded worried again. He was always worried. It made him cuter, you thought.

"Something's wrong . . . " You sighed and glanced to make sure the nurse wasn't looking, then jumped up and pushed your cot closer to his so it was side by side with him. You laid back down and grabbed his hand, not caring that it was clammy and sweaty. He looked at your entangled fingers, then back at you, eyes incredibly soft.

You grinned at him, leaning over to kiss his warm forehead despite him being sick. "That's better."

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