Freddy x Reader With Trust Isssues

413 10 16

Dang that is a long title

But yeah<3 this lovely request is from mommy108

Prompt: Freddy confesses to you, but you don't believe him (cuz trauma)

Angst to fluffy fluff<333

*tips hat* Enjoy!

"I . . . l-like you."

You stood there, dumbfounded as you stared at Freddy. His hollow, empty words echoed in your brain. Those words were lies that created a cyclone in your head, a tornado of older memories wrapping around your consciousness and suffocating you as you tried to shove them away, to come back to the present, but your mind played each memory like a movie.

Your old boyfriend, cheating on you with your former best friend.

Your parents, leaving you home alone without so much as a warning.

You best friend, abandoning you over a stupid fight.

You second boyfriend, only wanting to date you for your body.

And now this? Now Freddy?

Freddy, who you thought was different! Who you thought wouldn't play with your emotions like that!

"Y/N?" someone said again, and it took you a few moments to place the voice on the name.


You automatically took a step back, needing room to breathe, and when your vision finally cleared, you saw him.

He looked so innocent, with his shaggy hair and blushing cheeks and freckles and his hands fiddling with his crutch and his eyes scanning you, not lingering on different parts of the body. He was simple searching your face for a sign.

You opened your mouth, prepared to tell this jerk (admittedly a cute jerk) off, but instead a heart broken "Why?" came out.

When Freddy's face twisted in pure confusion, you clarified. "Why would you do this to me?"

His face clouded with sadness as he seemed to realize what the words meant. "What do you mean?"

His voice was small. Broken.

Well, you could be broken too.

"You think I'm stupid! It's clear you don't like me at all! You're just saying that to take advantage of me!" Frustrated, stubborn tears streaked your face and you hastily wiped them away, the eruption of your emotions far from over. "Guess what, Freddy. You think you're idea is so original! You think you're the only person to take advantage of me for my feelings? The only one to see me and think, This girl is going to trust me so much, and then I'll stab her in the back?! Well you're not!"

It was Freddy's turn to take a step back, and the hurt in his eyes twisted a knife into your stomach. "That's not what this is," he croaked, looking away.

You scoffed. "Sure, Frederick."

He looked like he'd been punched in the stomach. No one called him by his real name. No one, and you knew it, because you knew or reminded him of his father.

You wanted to feel triumphant when soft, broken tears welled in Freddy's eyes, but instead, all you felt was guilt.

Look at yourself, feeling bad for the boy who was taking advantage of you anyway. You should just run. Leave him there in the park, crying and hurt. You should do it.

You couldn't do it.

"Freddy," you said, your voice as soft as you were able to make it at the moment. "I'm sorry. That wasn't fair."

He shook his head---hard---and sniffed. "N-no, it w-was. I n-never should have r-ruined things like t-that."

You sighed, tiredly, madly. "Yeah, you shouldn't have."

He made a noise in the back of his throat and looked away.

"But," you added, because even if he didn't actually like you and even if he was just taking advantage of you, he was still someone you cared about. No matter how much you wished otherwise, he would always be someone you cared about. "I think some of it was my fault, too. I just freaked out."

A small, sad smile twisted onto Freddy's lips. "Yeah," he agreed. "But why?"

You shrugged, kicking at a rock in front of you. "I guess I've been hurt too many times for things like that to seem sincere."

"Oh," was all Freddy could think to say.

"Still," you droned on. "I shouldn't have acted that way. It wasn't fair to you."

Freddy sighed. "Well, I'm sorry I ruined everything."

"Who says you ruined it? You don't even know if I like you back yet."

Freddy's eyebrows shot up, and the hope in his eyes made it all the more worth it to say, "I do."

His lip twitched, his eyes went wide, and he looked like he wanted to jump up and down and dance around.

"But," you added quickly, and his face dropped so much it was comical, "I think I need some time to adjust. Can we take it slow?"

Freddy stared at you, his jaw wide open. "You mean you actually want to date . . . me?"

You laughed, tightly, as you turned to study him. You couldn't help trying to invision Freddy yelling at you or throwing things or taking advantage of you. None of the images seemed to fit his small, dorky, cheerful form.

"I think I'd try," you told him, turning away before he could see you blush.

"I," he started, but stopped. His face erupted into red. "You," his voice cracked. "Really?"

You laughed, bumping his shoulder lightly. "Really. As long as we take it slow."

"Would a hug be too fast?" He was quick to ask.

You smiled sadly and pulled him in without answering, burying your tear stained face into his shoulder.

The hug didn't feel awkward, like you thought to would. It felt like coming home.

"Y/N," Freddy whispered after a few minutes of being wrapped in his arms.

You hummed in answer.

"I promise I'd never play with your emotions or try to use you for your body or yell at you so much your ears hurt or make you feel bad about yourself or abandon you or cheat on you or---"

"Freddy," you interrupted. He glanced at you wearily as you pulled away, just enough to look at him. "I know." You kissed the tip of his nose. "I know you wouldn't."

He stood there for a second, and the largest grin in the world appeared on his face as he lifted and touched his nose.

You smirked and hugged him again.

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