Camilo x reader!

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This is a request from mommy108. Thx for the request!

Prompt: "Could you do Camilo x reader? Basically the reader is insecure about how they look and feels ugly, Camilo shape shifts into you and tries to convince you you are not ugly?"

I love this request! So, without farther a due,

The story!

Camilo's pov.

"Why don't you just tell her? It's so obvious she likes you!" Mirabel sang, dancing around my room. She was examining everything about it, since this was her first time in here.

I sighed. This teasing from my family had been going on for forever now, considering I've liked Y/N ever since I met her. And when Dolores heard me talking about her one night in my room....well, she never could keep a secret.

"I mean, give me one reason not to tell her," Mirabel put her hands on her hips, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she turned to me.

"Um, I could give you a million reasons! Starting with, she would think I was an idiot!"

Mirabel giggled. "You're overthinking this! I know she likes you!"

I rolled my eyes, feeling my cheeks warm. I hoped she didn't notice. "What would I even say? 'Oh, by the way, every since I met you I've had a crush on you. Anyway, what's for dinner?' Um, no!"

Mirabel gave me a soft smile, sitting next to me on my bed. "You'd tell her that you think she's beautiful, and funny, and sweet, and kind. That she's amazing. And she won't be able to resist you!"

I blinked. "You realize how cheesy that sounds, right?"

She huffed. "Just do it! If you don't, I will!"

The only thing worse than telling Y/N I like her is letting Mirabel tell her. My life would be over!

"Fine," I said angrily, glaring as Mirabel cheered.

"Let's go, let's go!" She exclaimed, pulling me to my feet.

"Now? Don't you think I should...get ready? Or eat? Um, I think I have some chores left to do, too!" I said nervously, not meeting her eyes.

Mirabel rolled her own eyes and smiled a little. "You're making excuses! You look fine, you just ate, and you can do your chores after!"

I pressed my mouth into a line. Stupid, smart Mirabel.

She pulled me out of my room, giggling as she pushed through the family to get down the stairs.

"Where are you two going?" My mom, Pepa, asked.

"No where!" I exclaimed before Mirabel told the whole family what was happening. I practically pushed her out the door, smiling nervously at everyone watching us.

I started walking ahead, but Mirabel stayed where she was.

"Uh, aren't you coming?" I asked, turning around to look at her.

She shook her head, a smile dancing on her lips. "Nah. You can do it yourself. I believe in you!"

Shocked, my mouth dropped open. "What?! You're the one who convinced me to do this!"

She chuckled. "You got this, Camilo. Go on! Before I do it for you!"

I gritted my teeth, turning around and stomping away from my prima. The little...ugh! Why would she do that?

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