Freddy x Reader

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Ahh, it's a huge surprise. Another Freddy x Reader!

Not that I'm complaining. (Love you Freddy!)

Prompt, from mommy108: You meet Freddy when your families get together for a barbeque

*French accent* Enjoy!

"Everybody ready?" Your dad asked, trying to usher everybody to the door. "We don't want to be late!"

"I'll be ready in a minute, honey," your mom called from the bathroom, where she was furiously trying to apply last minute makeup.

"I can't find my shoe!" Your younger brother yelled from the mud room, his voice muffled by the door.

A crash, a huge bang, and a small voice finally exclaimed, "I found it!"

Your dad looked ready to blow a fuse, so you told him casually, "I'm ready."

He flashed you a relieved smile, then called up the stairs, "ALORA! ARE YOU READY!"

Your older sister, Alora, always had earbuds plugged in. She blared her music so loud you had to screech in order to tell her something.

Luckily, this seemed to be one of the few times she wasn't drowning in the world of music. "Yup!" She called back down, much quieter than your dad. You muffled a giggle with a fake cough when your dad's face when red.

Your dad finally smiled when your mom walked in. "I'm good to go," she said, lipstick smeared on her face with an expert hand that you could only dream of.

Your dad smirked, pulling her in for a kiss, and you fake gagged as your one year older than you brother came up behind you. "Gross!" He yelled, joining you in the gagging.

Alora came down the stairs, rolling her eyes at her younger siblings. "You guys are so childish." She told them, sticking out her tongue. She looked around the room, her perfect eyebrows furrowing. "Where's Timothy?"

"Here I am, sissy!" Your youngest brother exclaimed, racing into the room. He had dirt in his hair and his shoes were untied as he flung himself into Alora's arms.

She laughed and hugged him.

"Alright, everyone in the car," your dad finally ordered, and the circus was ushered out the door.

Everyone filed into the old mini van that was somehow still working and your dad revved the engine. "Here we go!"

Alora instantly popped in earbuds, and your one year older than you brother nudged your elbow.

"What is it, Zach?" you whispered to him.

He smirked and reached forward, tugging on the string of Alora's right ear bud. It fell out, and you could faintly hear music wafting through.

"ZACH! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" she shrieked, trying to turn around in her seat. You and Zach lost it, laughing so hard that you didn't hear your dad tell you to stop until he said it again.

"Mommy?" Timothy asked as Alora furiously slammed her music on again. "What happened?"

"Your brother and sister just got themselves in trouble," your mom answered, glaring at you two.

Zach rolled his eyes and you guys exchanged glances. Out of all your siblings, Zach was probably your favorite. He was funny and sweet, and totally cared about you.

"Almost there!" Your dad declared, turning right onto a bumpy road.

The barbeque your family was heading to was taking place in the park, with some old friend's of your parents and their family of eight. You were a little nervous, patting your hair to make sure it wasn't sticking out anywhere as you thought of meeting so many new people. Would they be rude?

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