Freddy Freeman x Reader!

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This is a request from mommy108! Hope you like it!

Prompt: "I know I literally just requested, but could you do a Freddy freeman (from Shazam) x reader? Basically Freddy thinks he is annoying but you tell him otherwise? You don’t need to fulfill this request since I just requested, but thought I could try"

Thx so much for the request! And request anytime, my requests are ALWAYS open!

Here we go!

Freddy stumbled down the halls, carefully squeezing his books to his chest so he wouldn't drop them. He was late to class, and he knew the teacher hated it when students were tardy.

He repositioned his hand on his crutch, but in his carelessness, dropped his books. They scattered all over the hallway, thunking as they landed.

Freddy sighed. He could never catch a break, could he?

He bent down carefully, wincing as he tried to find a comfortable position with his leg as he started picking up his things.

"Do you need some help?" Y/N's sweet voice said, startling Freddy. He hadn't heard her approaching.

He turned to look at her. Her hair was hanging loosely on her shoulders, her outfit complimenting her eyes. She offered a smile as she bent down to gather Freddy's things, humming slightly.

Sometimes, Freddy wondered why Y/N, the prettiest girl in school, would choose to date him, the loser and outcast. It didn't make much sense, but he was glad that she did.

"There," she said happily, standing back up with his stack of things. She offered her hand to him and hauled him up.

"Thanks," Freddy said, reaching for his books. Y/N handed them over, giggling as Freddy struggled to take them all with only one hand. "Why don't I just walk you to your class? That way you don't have to carry so much," she offered, raising her eyebrows.

"Oh," Freddy mumbled, embarrassed. "Uh, sure. Okay."

Y/N frowned, noticing the upset tone wrapped around Freddy's words. "What's wrong?"

"Uh, nothing, ha ha, I'm fine," Freddy said unconvincingly, flashing a fake smile as he started limping to his class without another word.

Y/N watched for a moment, wondering what was going on with her boyfriend, before she followed him down the hall.

"Come on, Freddy. You are a terrible lier," she told him, slightly annoyed.

Freddy sighed, sounding almost tired as he said, "I'm not lying. I swear. I'm fine."

Y/N rolled her sparkling eyes, looking both cute and angry at the same time. Freddy bit his lip and looked away.

Technically, people already would have been to Freddy's class by now. But between his disability and his nervousness, it was taking much longer for him to arrive.

Finally, Y/N let out a puff of breath, frustrated by the silence. "Freddy, I know you. I know something's wrong. Just tell me!"

"Ugh, don't you understand? Nothing's wrong! Stop being so annoying and just leave me alone!" Freddy exclaimed, anger flooding him as he stopped walking.

Y/N's mouth dropped open, and so did Freddy's. He hadn't meant to say that. It had just...come out.

An awkward silence settled between you two. You sniffed, not realizing tears were gathering in your eyes. You knew it was stupid to cry, but you hated it when people yelled, and now your own boyfriend was yelling at you?

"Oh, jeez," Freddy said sheepishly, watching you with wide eyes. "I'm so sorry, Y/N, really. I didn't mean that. Honest."

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, knowing Freddy hadn't meant to hurt your feelings. But it was so unlike him to yell like suddenly....

"Freddy," you mumbled, feeling tired. "Just tell me what's wrong. You were fine until I offered to help. Is it me? Am I the problem? If I am...just tell me...." Your voice broke off.

Freddy looked at you with concerned eyes. He took a deep breath and fiddled with his crutch, not meeting your eyes, seemingly making a decision. He sighed, squeezing his brown eyes shut, as if bracing for impact, as he said, "It's not you, Y/N. It could never be you. It's me. I just feel so....annoying. Like, you had to pause your whole day just to help me, because I'm too pathetic to help myself. You have to stop to help me sit or walk up stairs because I can't do it on my own. And you always have to fight off the Breyer's for me. And I'm always talking about things no one cares about. I'm a huge nerd. I just don't understand how you can tolerate me."

He huffed, having said that all in one breath. His eyes still shut, he felt Y/N staring at him.

It was silent for a moment before she said in awe and shock, "Freddy...." He peeled his eyes open as he felt two arms wrap around him. Y/N rested her head on his shoulder. "You are...amazing. You know that? You could never be annoying. I don't care how often I have to help you. I do it because I like you. And I don't care if I have to take a minute to help you stand up or something. How selfish would I be if that's what I cared about?"

Freddy leaned into the hug, relief flooding him as Y/N continued talking.

"And hey, hey, those talks and random facts you share with me? I love them! I don't find them annoying! Why would I when the most amazing person I know is telling me them?"

She leaned back ever so slightly, just enough to see his eyes. "You could never annoy me, Freddy. Never."

Freddy smiled as he felt confidence and hope fill his insides as he looked at the girl he loved. She was simply amazing.

Y/N stood on her tiptoes, a mischievous grin on her face as she pressed her lips to Freddy's, then pulled away like nothing ever happened. She grabbed the books, which Freddy now realized she had set on the floor, and offered him a simple smile as she grabbed his hand and started walking.

And Freddy was okay with that, even if it made him blush like crazy. Y/N and his was simple like that.

And he was okay. Now that he had gotten it off his chest, he felt better. He knew that Y/N didn't find him annoying, even if she had to stop in the middle of the halls to help him with his books, and then carry them to class for him.

And he was okay.

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