Double Date

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Oookay. So this request was from literally FOREVER sorry it took me so long to get to it! This is from alexandrabaileylover. It's about tlos (the land of stories) so here it is!

This is basically a double date with goldilocks, froggy, jack, and red. Enjoy!

"Come on!" Red exclaimed, grabbing her husbands arm and attempting to pull him towards the restaurant. "I bet they're all ready in there!"

"Honey, my love, give me a moment. I'm not as used to human legs as you are. You've had years of practice."

Red huffed. "You should try walking in my heels. I'm sure you wouldn't be complaining then."

"Then why do you wear them? If they are so hard to walk in?"

"Ugh!" Red sighed dramatically, turning away. "Boys will never understand." She shook her head.

"Whatever you say, darling."

Red rolled her eyes and grabbed her hubby's hand. She pulled him along, shoving through the parking lot surprising well for someone in a ball gown and high heels.

"I can't wait! Goldie and I've had our differences, but I think we'll have just a fine time tonight!" Red exclaimed, smiling ad Froggy held the door open.

"I'm sure you will. Let's go find our table, shall we?"

"There they are!" Red exclaimed excitedly, pointing across to where Jack and Goldie were sitting and quietly talking. Red grabbed Froggy (again) and rushes over to them.

"Goldie! How are you!" She exclaimed dramatically, hugging her friend tight.

"Hey," Jack said to Froggy.

Froggy smiled. "Hello."

Red let go of Goldilocks and sat down, fanning her massive pink dress out. "Oh, I'm so excited! We're gonna have so much fun!"

"Yup," Goldilocks said, popping the "p".

Froggy nodded politely at her and picked up the menu off of the table. "What are you guys getting?"

"The steak seems pretty good," Jack commented, gesturing to the picture.

Red peaked over Froggy's shoulder. "Oh, I want the chocolate cake!"

"What about your dinner?" Goldilocks asked.

"I'll just have both!"

"Red, darling, I think you're forgetting that food costs much more here than in The Land of Stories," Froggy reminded her gently.

Red sighed. "Oh, yeah. Oh well. I guess I'll settle for the Thanksgiving platter."

"Excellent choice."

Red smiled. "I always did have good taste, didn't I?"

"Well..." Goldilocks started, but Jack elbowed her.

She glared at him, rubbing her arm. But the hard look didn't last long when he winked, and they both erupted into laughter.

"Hello!" A voice said, causing the group to jump. They turned to see a peppy young girl smiling brightly. "I'm here to take your order! Can I start you off with your drinks?"

"Yes, I'll have some water," Froggy said politely.

"Can I get a coke?" Jack asked.

"Hm mh," the waitress said, writing down the order. "And for you two?" She gestured to Goldilocks and Red.

"Just some lemon water," Goldilocks said in a monotone.

Red huffed. "You guys are all so boring! I want the most exotic drink you've got!" She exclaimed.

The waitress looked shocked for a moment, then smiled. "Of course." She paused. "And are you ready to order your food?"

"I think so," Froggy said. "I'll have the tossed salad with a side of coleslaw, and my wife will have the Thanksgiving platter."

"Okay," the waitress scribbled on her notepad. "And for you two?"

"We'll share the steak," Jack said. "Please."

"Of course! I'll be back in a moment!" She said happily, racing off.

"How nice! I can't wait for my exotic drink! It's gonna be so great!" Red exclaimed happily.

"I'm sure it will be," Jack said, amused.


A couple minutes later, the waitress came with the drinks. Goldilocks sipped hers slowly, watching Red as she stirred her clear drink.

"What is it?" She asked, staring at it.

"Try it. Maybe it's good," Froggy suggested, sipping his own drink.

Red shrugged and took a sip, then almost immediately spit it out. "Ugh! What is that?"

Goldilocks burst out laughing, Jack with her. Froggy cracked a smile and shrugged. "I don't know, dear."

Red scrunched up her nose. "No thank you. That was...disgusting."

Goldilocks giggled and said, "Maybe try something less exotic next time."

Red huffed and pushed her glass away. "Whatever. Maybe the food will be better."

Just then, the waitress got there, carrying an impressive amount of trays. She set Froggy's salad in front of him, dropped the steak in front of Goldilocks and Jack, then set the Thanksgiving platter in front of Red.

"Thank you, so much," Froggy said politely.

The waitress smiled. "You're welcome. If you need anything else, just give a holler."

"A holler?" Red asked, looking confused. "How do we give her that?"

"I think she means to call for her," Goldilocks explained, taking a bite of her steak. She pushed it towards Jack to get him to eat.

Red blushed. "Oh, of course. Haha. How silly of me."

Jack chuckled and took a bite. "This is delicious. How is yours?"

"Good, thank you," Froggy sipped his drink. "I do love salad, you know."

Red nodded. "I know that! That's why no make it for you every Friday!"

Froggy smiled gently. "Yes, my dear. And your's is simple devine."

Red smiled. She took a bite of her turkey and her face lit up. "This is so good!"

Froggy smiled. "I'm glad."

In a couple of minutes, everyone was done, and Jack was paying at the counter.

"That was lovely!" Red exclaimed as they walked back out. "We really need to do it again!"

Goldilocks nodded. "Sure."

Red smiled and starting talking about her newest dress, the rest of the group laughing.

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