Freddy x Reader With Stretch marks

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Ahhh this request is SO OLD

lol sorry but at least I finally wrote ittt

This request was from my darling mommy108
Love ya gurlll <3 <3 <3

Prompt: Reader has stretch marks but her past boyfriend found them gross. Freddy comes in with the comfort<33

Love this request with all my heart, but there are indeed some warnings that come with reading this. So, the warnings are:

Bad boyfriends


Stretch marks

Mentions of verbal/emotional abuse

Mentions of bullying

As always, I love ya, and if this will cause any sort of negative reaction, DON'T READ! YOU ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN FANFICTION!!!

And guys, for real, you are beautiful. I don't care what other people think is pretty and what isn't. You are amazing, and trust me when I say that you don't need to change for anyone but yourself. Stretch marks are not something to be ashamed of, just like scars, just like tattoos, just like bruises and scrapes. It's just proof that you've lived, and that you've used the body God gave you, and why would you hate something so amazing?

You wouldn't. So don't.


The shirt was too short.

It was really cute, of course. A grey crop top with hoodie strings and a comfy fit.

But it was too short. It showed your stomach, the slightest bit, and when you moved the wrong way it showed one of your stretch marks, and it was too short.

That was all you could think as you walked to Freddy's house, constantly tugging on the hem of the fabric and pulling up your pants, trying to hide the sliver of skin as best you could.

You wished you hadn't worn the shirt. You wished you had taken the time to change. But Freddy had called you, telling you that his leg was hurting, and shyly asking for cuddles. And you never could say no to Freddy, especially when he seemed so embarrassed by the request.

But in your rush to see your boyfriend, you had forgotten to change your shirt. And now you were regretting it.

You took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves as you spotted his house up ahead.

You walked up the steps leading to the door and knocked, even though you came over all the time and chances were the family was expecting you. You gave your shirt a final tug as the door opened.

Darla stood there, her face lighting up when she saw you. "Y/N!" She exclaimed. She rushed forward and hugged you, as she always did. You smiled and hugged her back, as you always did.

"Hey there, Darla. Is Freddy home?"

Darla nodded, taking your hand and dragging you inside. She shut the door with her other hand, trying to keep in the air conditioned air. "Yeah, he's upstairs. But he says he doesn't feel too well."

Something pinged in your stomach, and you frowned. Was Freddy so embarrassed by his disability he didn't even want to tell his family when his leg was hurting?

You forced a smile, fiddling with the shirt again. "Okay. Can I go talk to him?"

"Sure! He'll probably be happy to see you!"

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