Freddy Freeman x Reader Fluff

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This is a request from mommy108.

Prompt: "Hey! Don’t know if you are still doing requests, so it’s totally okay if you don’t do this one, but could I have a Freddy freeman x reader? Basically cuddling for the first time and fluff, again, totally okay if you don’t do this"

I soooooo love this request. Like with all of my heart.

I think I added a tiny bit of angst. Literally like hardly any at all, but I couldn't resist doing a little. But it's literally like the smallest amount ever. So nothing much is changed.



Here it is...


"Movie time! Oh yeah!" You exclaimed, pumping your fist up and down. You and Freddy were walking home from school, towards his house. "Totally cannot wait!"

"I can see that," Freddy quipped, struggling slightly to keep up with your fast strides. You were taller than him, so naturally faster. "But you're gonna have to wait for me, you speed demon. I'm still crippled over here." He said it light-heartedly, but there was some pain to his tone.

You blushed and slowed down until Freddy was even with you, his miss-matched footsteps somehow soothing you as you walked next to him. You felt bad for making him ask for you to slow down, so you made sure to stay in time with him.

"So what do you want to watch?" Freddy asked, interrupting your thoughts. "We have superhero movies, cartoons, old westerns. Pretty much anything, as long as it's not, like, perverted or something."

"Hmm," You thought aloud, kicking a rock akin the sidewalk. It went a few feet forward, then off to the side. "I don't know. What do you want to watch?"

Freddy immediately opened his mouth to answer, but you cut him off with wave of your hand. "Nevermind, I already know the answer."

Freddy shrugged, chuckling a bit as blush rose to his face, somehow making him cuter. "In my defense, Superman is a great movie."

"Yeah, but we've watched it a million times," you defended.

"True that. Well, what about-"

"We are not watching Batman."

You both looked at each, glaring, but then burst out laughing, the sound echoing on the houses around you.

You both went silent after a moment, thinking, until Freddy's face lit up with an adorable giddy grin that made your heart melt. "What about Pirates of the Caribbean? It's funny, has a lot of action, and, I mean, come on, it's pirates! What's not to love?"

You laughed, his excitement contagious, like it always was. "Alright. That's a great movie."

"Sweet!" Freddy exclaimed, happily shooting you an excited smile.

You returned it, staring at him for a moment then blushing and looking away.

The house came into view, and you tried not to pick up the pace, for Freddy's sake.

You arrived, smiling, and gently looped your arm around Freddy to help him up the stairs leading to the door. He shot you a tight looking smile, but you knew he was grateful. He just hated having to need the help.

You walked inside, holding the door for Freddy, and smiled at the cozy house. You always thought it was warm and safe, and you spent as much time there as you could.

You started getting everything ready for the movie, gathering blankets and snacks from all around Freddy's house and moving them to the living room.

Freddy sat on the couch, resting his leg lightly after the walk home as he casually read the back of the movie case, impatiently tapping his fingers.

Tap, tap, tap.

"Are we almost  r e a d y?" He whined teasingly after a moment, dramatically tossing his head back. "I wanna watch it."

You rolled your eyes and smiled slightly, closing the curtains to block out the sun. You shut of all the lights in the room, turning around to look at your boyfriend. "Almost. The popcorn will be done in a minute."

"Ooh, popcorn," he said, licking his lips. You snorted as he went back to reading the same paragraph he'd probably already read a dozen times.

A few moments later the ding! of the microwave sounded from the kitchen, and you went to retrieve it as Freddy let out a cheer. You poured the bag into a bowl and came back, sitting on the couch next to Freddy.

"Oh," Freddy grimaced slightly as you slowly sat down, not wanting to spill the snack. "Uh, could you stand up a sec? I gotta fix the position of my leg," he asked, almost sheepishly. "Otherwise I'll be sore all day."

"Sure, no problem," you responded brightly, trying to let him know it was fine as you stood up. He shot you a small smile and sat up a little more, moving his leg to the right and pulling the cover from where it was wrapped underneath it.

"Okay, that's good. You can come back," he said, holding out his arms and inviting you to fold into them. You sat down next to him again, accepting his invitation and snuggling up against his chest as he pressed play. You tried to snuggle as close to him as possible, without hurting his leg, because you knew he loved cuddles.

"The beginning is always my favorite," he whispered in your ear as the movie started, the rumbling of his chest tickling you. You could hear his heart beat.

"I always like the end," you told him, relishing the darkness and the feeling of him near you.

"Agree to disagree," he responded gently, jokingly, and he shrugged so lightly that you could hardly feel it as the you both turned your attention towards the movie.


About halfway through the film, you were almost asleep. You knew it was ridiculous, considering the movie was full of action and comedy, but you were so tired, and Freddy was so warm, and you just started drifting off on accident.

"Are you asleep?" Freddy asked gently, not wanting to wake you up if you were. You smiled tiredly at his sweetness.

"Hmm," you hummed in response, rolling onto your side and snuggling closer to him.

Freddy winced slightly. "A little to the right, please," he muttered. "My leg..." He trailed off, and you couldn't exactly think of anything he would have finished the sentence with.

"Sorry," you murmured, sleepily shifting over.

"Wrong way, wrong way," he hissed quickly, voice tight with pain as the movie played quietly in the background.

"Oh," you muttered, blinking tiredly and moving the other way. White hot shame raced through you and you blushed tiredly. "Sorry, Freds."

"It's fine. Thanks for moving over," he whispered into your hair. His voice was tired, too, and you knew he was struggling to stay awake as well. That almost made you want to smile.

"Hmm. You're welcome."

"Love you," he murmured, kissing your head lightly and grinning when you laughed tiredly. You were always happy when he said that.

"Love you too," you responded, yawning and closing your eyes. Freddy hugged you tighter, and a soft smile played on your lips as you drifted off.

This is soooo short but I love it too much.

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Love you!

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