Conner x Bree: First date!

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This is a request from  Eyedot101. Hope you enjoy! Thx for first request😘!

Conner paced nervously around his room, fiddling with his strawberry blond hair. he threw clothes all over the floor, searching for an outfit. His stomach felt like a swarm of bees had built a hive there and had decided to have a flying race.

He couldn't believe that Bree had said yes. He could barely believe the fact that he had managed to ask her without throwing up, but her saying yes? That had practically been out of the question.

Conner had had a crush on Bree since he could remember. But he didn't tell her how he felt because he was scared of ruining their relationship, and he was afraid of rejection. Not to mention, it was flipping petrifying to even think about telling her.

But Alex had pushed him, promising that she liked him back and just wasn't showing it. Conner wasn't entirely sure he believed her, but there was no stopping Alex when she was determined about something, especially when it involved Conner's love life.

So of course, she begged him for weeks on end to ask Bree out. Finally, Conner couldn't take it anymore. He asked her, scared to death that she would laugh in his face and walk away.

But she didn't. She had responded coolly, with a simple, "Sure. Meet me at six tomorrow? By the old well."

That was it. It had been that simple. And now, Conner was trying to get ready for his "date," if that's what you would call it.

He didn't want to dress too fancy, considering they weren't going to a top notch restaurant or something. But he didn't want it to seem like he didn't care, because he did.

He finally managed to choose an outfit, settling on some jeans and a nice shirt. It was casual, but not too casual. He hoped she like it as he made his way downstairs and out the door.


Bree was leaned up against an old well, fiddling with her hands. She checked her watch.

5:57. She had gotten to the well about 20 minutes ago, not wanting to be late. Now she wished she had stayed a little longer and picked out a better outfit as she looked down at what she was wearing.

Not that her clothes were bad. Her hair was wavy and smooth, her trademark beanie on her head. She wore black ripped jeans and a cool shirt, tucked underneath her favorite black jacket. She hoped she looked casual, but not too casual.

She checked her watch again, impatiently tapping her foot. Was he going to stand her up? What if he had gotten hurt? Was he okay? Should she go-

"Hey," a voice said, and Bree's worried melted away. Conner.

She turned around, trying to look cool and confident despite the nervousness settling into her stomach. "Hey," she replied, tossing her hair.

"I didn't keep you waiting, did I?" Conner asked, uneasiness lacing his voice. Bree almost wanted to smile. He was cute when he was concerned.

"Nah. Just got here," she lied. "Whatcha got planned for tonight?"

Conner fiddling with the hem of his shirt. His outfit was nice. It matched his blue eyes perfectly. "I was thinking a movie? I heard there's a wicked new film in theaters."

Bree felt a tiny smile tug on her lips. "Okay," she replied.


Conner nervously walked next to Bree, trying to think of something to say. The theater was a few minutes away, and he figure it was his job to strike up a conversation.

"What's your favorite movie?" He asked, hoping he didn't sound annoying.

"I don't know," Bree shrugged casually. "I really like cartoons."

Conner had to cover his mouth to hide his laugh. It was just...strange that cool, popular Bree would like cartoons.

"What's so funny?" Bree teased, smirking. "Alex told me some pretty interesting things that you like, so I wouldn't act so cocky."

Conner glared playfully, glad the conversation wasn't awkward. Though, he would have to have a serious talk with Alex when he got home. "Oh, I'm so scared," he mumbled, rolling his eyes.

Bree grinned. "Oh, I would be, Mr. I-like-Full-House."

Conner felt his face heat up. "That's a good show!" He argued, laughing.

Bree smiled. "Whatever you say."

Finally, after several minutes, they arrived at the theater. They purchased their tickets and went inside, talking quietly as more families trickled in.

They had managed to score decent seats. As the previews started, Conner left to get some snacks. Bree, of course, had managed to sneak some candy in, so all he needed was popcorn.

When he returned he placed it between them, not wanting to hog it all. Bree shot him a grateful smirk as she grabbed some, popping it into her mouth.

They settled in as the movie started. About halfway through, Bree dozed off, despite the fact that it was an action movie.

But Conner didn't mind, especially when her head tilted sideways and rested on his shoulder. Her soft breathing warmed him, and he carefully wrapped an arm around her, pulling her slightly closer.

By the end of the movie, Conner was half asleep too, his chin resting on Bree's head.

When they did wake, neither of them mentioned their snuggling. But Conner could've sworn he saw Bree blushing.

He hoped he saw it again some day.

There! Done! How did you like it?

I know it wasn't totally accurate with the book, but I tried hard!

It also wasn't very long. Sorry bout that!

Love you all! Mwah!

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