Freddy X Reader

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This was from papaivica07! Tysm for requesting!

Prompt: You get kidnapped. So much fun. Freddy saves ya like the amazing person he is. Well . . . sorta.


Well, you thought as someone in dark clothing tied your hands behind your back. This day could be going better.

It had started pretty well, actually. It was Saturday, so you and Freddy had made plans to go to the mall together and spend some time alone, without his crazy siblings that you secretly adored around. It was a perfect plan for a perfect day.

Then you got kidnapped.

You had just been walking to the plaza, which was about five minutes from your house, when someone came running up behind you. You had assumed it was just a jogger doing their morning laps, which wasn't uncommon, but suddenly a cloth was pressed over your mouth, and someone was holding your hands behind your back to prevent you from thrashing around.

A sickly sweet scent had wafted from the cloth into your nose, and you fought your hardest against the drug, but you were no match. In minutes, you had fallen limp and basically dead to the world.

So yeah. Fun stuff.

The effect of the horrid serum was only just starting to wear off, and your limbs felt sluggish and weak and way too numb to be your own. You were vaguely aware that you were tied to a chair, but the thought didn't startle you the way it should have. You head felt too fuzzy to register anything.

"Ah, she wakes," a voice purred, and you knew, even in your drug induced state, that the owner of that voice was evil.

"Took her long enough," another voice replied, somewhat angrily. "It's been what, three hours?"

It took a moment for that to settle, but when it did, panic lit a flame down your spine. Three hours? Three hours in that drugged state? What had you missed? Was Freddy okay?

"Hush, Viper," the first voice hissed. "It was a strong drug."

Viper, or so she had been called, retorted with, "Well, maybe we should have given her a smaller dose!"

Moving feet, and a pained grunt, followed by the first hushed voice, asking, "Do you want to question my methods again?"

Viper didn't respond, but there was a rustling of fabric, like she had nodded, and that seemed to settle whatever debate had been raging.

Your head still felt clouded over. You couldn't seem to make sense of anything around you. You arms were sluggish and slow at best, immovable at worst, and it hurt your eyes to try and see the figures. It took you a moment or two to realize that was because the lights were off.

"Now," the first voice called, finally, clapping their hands twice. Light flooded the room, and you winced as your eyes furiously tried to adjust to the brightness.

When they did, you were met with the fierce green eyes of a tall, beautiful girl.

But her smile was downright cruel as she purred, "Let's see why one of our resident superheroes is so fond of you."


Freddy knew something was up.

He had been waiting in the food court, where Y/N and him had decided to meet, for the past hour.

A full hour of him sitting there, quiet, as the workers from the booths around him pretended not to be watching. Pretended not to feel sorry for him as he checked his watch again and again, pretended not to want to hug him when he sadly ordered a drink and sat back down to wait, wait, wait.

He tapped the glass of said drink in front of him. It was filled with Diet Coke, the ice crinkling around from where his fingers had stirred it. His mind was jumping to dozens of terrifying explanations that mostly didn't make sense, but scared him all the same.

Still, it hurt his heart, deep down, to know the most likely reason for you not being there was plain and simple: you didn't want to be seen with him.

He couldn't blame you, really. You were popular and smart and pretty and he was. . . well, the opposite. He was ugly and disabled and a foster kid and an all around loser. He would hate himself too, if he weren't himself.

It wouldn't surprise him if you had stood him up.

He felt stupid, waiting there for nothing, and his eyes burned with tears at the realization. He refused to let them shed as he shoved his way up from the table, grabbing his stupid, stupid crutch and rushing out of the room, leaving behind his dumb Diet Coke.

The walk, or hobble, home from the mall was sad. Freddy hated the way his heart felt too heavy in his chest, the way he had fallen for this stupid, horrible trick. He wouldn't be surprised if the Breyer boys had somehow been there, watching the whole thing. Watching how he had waited for a whole hour, laughing when he finally realized what was happening. Snickering at how dumb he had been to think that Y/N would have wanted to hang out, voluntarily, with him.


But that's when it happened.

One minute, he had been alone, sulking his way home and generally feeling terrible about himself and everything around him. The next, two people in front of him, staring greedily.

"Uh, hi," he tried uneasily, thrown off by the look of thirst in their eyes. He fiercely scrubbed his face to get rid of any tears that might've slipped their way down.

"Oh, hello," one of the figures said, grinning. She had long, purple hair, all the way to her waist, and bright blue eyes that seemed to pierce through Freddy. She smirked, and her teeth were the kind of perfect white you found in toothpaste commercials.

Freddy felt unease building up, but he tried to remain calm. Nothing bad was happening. These were just some people saying hi. Nothing strange. Right?


"Good thing he's disabled," the other figure said. This one was a boy, with blue shaggy hair and dull brown eyes.

Freddy felt a shameful blush spreading, and he fought hard to keep it down as confusion filled his eyes. What were they talking about?

Freddy's heart lurched into his throat as the two figures came closer. He tried to turn around and run, but one of them reached out and snatched his crutch away, right out from under his hand.

Without it, his balance was so thrown that he collapsed onto the ground with a strained oof.

The villains laughed, and Freddy tried to crawl away. But his leg was screaming in pain everytime he tried to move it, and his head was throbbing, and he was pretty sure he sprained his wrist, or maybe even broken it, based on the way it was all bent.

"So pathetic," the girl purred. "I wonder how you, of all people, were chosen to be a superhero." She leaned down close, her face right near Freddy's as he tried to control his panic.

"Let's find out, shall we?"

Okay, I decided to break this request into two parts. So: Part One, done!

Part Two should be up very soon! Love you!

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