Chubby Freddy x Reader

260 7 18

Ooh, it's a twist!

This time, we've got chubby Freddy. (Love him too much tbh)

Prompt: Breyer boys being the dicks they are and making fun of Freddy's weight, and you sweep in with the comfort

This was from mommy108!


"Jeez, you were ugly enough before, but now?" Brett fake a shudder, staring at Freddy. "Now it's just disgusting to look at you."

Freddy flushed, looking down. School had just started up again after summer vacation, and apparently, he had gained weight.

At least, according to the Breyer brothers.

"I mean," Burke jumped in, gesturing to Freddy's leg, "you already had a stupid, pathetic limp. But now you're fat on top of it?"

Freddy felt his face burn, and he shifted his gaze to the ground as slow, steady tears filled his eyes.

He struggled to push them down before the bullies saw them, but, of course, he was too late.

"Oh, the baby's crying now? What, do we hurt your 'ittle feelings?" Brett mocked in a little kid voice, sticking out his bottom lip like a toddler.

Freddy sniffed and looked away as Burke laughed. It was an ugly, throaty laugh that sounded like nails on a chalkboard, and Freddy wondered, off topic, if that was what it sounded like to everyone.

Burke reached down, fluffing up Freddy's hair too hard to seem friendly. He examined Freddy's face while he was at it.

"Oh," he called to his brother, who was standing behind him with a mean smirk on his face, "he's got freckles, too."

Brett snorted. "Ugh, gross. He's a fat cripple with freckles and stupid curly hair. No one wonder he doesn't have any friends."

The words rattled inside his brain, and his eyes sunk to the ground.

"Hey!" A voice called, and all three boy's eyes snapped up. Freddy gasped when he saw Y/N, standing with her hands on her hips in a defiant stance.

Burke and Brett both snickered, but their laugh died in their throats when they saw the principal standing behind them.

"What do you think your doing?" She demanded, glaring at the boys.

"Uh, n-nothing, Ms. Sherly," Burke stuttered, caught off guard.

Ms. Sherly glanced at Freddy, who was sitting on the ground, his back up against a row of lockers in a position that most definitely was not the natural way for people to sit. His crutch was on the other end of the hall.

The principal's face went red with rage. "I'm calling your father," she told the Breyer boys. "And give him back his crutch."

Brett murmured a swear word, and kneeled down to grab the crutch. He shoved it in Freddy's face, and Freddy hesitantly took it.

Brett leaned down into his ear, whispering, "You really are fat, Freeman. Fat and ugly."

Freddy shuddered as Brett's warm breath hit his ear, his face flaming red. He glanced t Y/N to find her studying him with huge, concerned eyes as the principal ushered the bullies away.

"Hey," she said, her voice incredibly soft, like flowers pressed into the pages of an old book.

"Hey," Freddy said, and his voice was soft, too, but in the way that made your heart ache to make him see how much he was truly worth.

"You okay?" You asked, eyes so still and concerned it was impossible not to stare at them.

But somehow, Freddy wasn't looking at them. He was just staring at the floor, like it held all the secrets of the universe. And the answer he gave you was true. "No."

Your heart just about broke as you frowned and crouched next to him, staring at his freckle covered face. He really was cute, you decided.

"What did they say?" You finally asked in a quiet, hushed tone.

Freddy shifted and glanced at you before looking away, swallowing. "Nothing."

You rolled your eyes and moved to sit next to him. "I'm not stupid, Freeman, I know it's something."

He flushed. Fiddled with his hands. Then, "Just . . . they . . . think I'm ugly, I guess."

His voice was a whisper.

A broken whisper.

You frowned, a hatred for the bullies brewing in your stomach so tight you felt like it would explode. "They're wrong," you hissed, your voice like venom.

Freddy glanced at you, as if surprised his girlfriend would stand up for him, before furiously shaking his head. "No, they were right. I have this stupid leg, and stupid freckles, and my hair is so ridiculous, and I'm so chubby, and of course I'm ugly!" He exclaimed, his voice raising in anger and sadness.

You stared at him. You had never seen Freddy so reeled up before. It was strange to look into his eyes and see tension and anxiety instead of warmth and happiness.

"Freddy," you whispered when you noticed that tears were pooling in his eyes. He scrubbed at them, not bothering to look at you as you cupped his face. "That's a lie."

He opened his mouth to argue, but you beat him to it. "You are amazing, Freddy. I don't care if they say you're not. I've seen you for how you really are, and I think you're cute and handsome and adorable, and who gives a frick what anyone else thinks, anyway?" You kissed his forehead. "I like you just the way you are. Isn't that what matters?"

He stared at you, awestruck. "I, uh, I . . really?"

You felt your lips tug into a tired smile.

"Of course."

Warning! This chapter is 100% unedited!!

I apologize for any mistakes or random stuff.

Also, if you're reading this, why not give a follow? Ik I sound desperate, but I'm truing to get to 200 followers, and I'm so close!

It would mean a ton if you followed, and i'd totally follow back!

Love ya!

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