Camilo x reader!

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Yup, another one. I honestly adore writing for Camilo. He is such a fun loving character!

This was a request from mommy108, and I'm not to going to say it right now because I'm too lazy to go retrieve it.

But basically the prompt is Camilo is talking to you and gets nervous, and accidently becomes a younger version of himself.


"Hey, Camilo! Wait up!" You called, trying to squeeze through the crowd of people and get to your best friend, who was walking ahead of you.

Camilo paused briefly, looking behind him and chuckling as you ducked under someone's arm and ran to meet him.

"Wow! It's like the whole town is out today!" You exclaimed, repositioning the bow at the end of your braid.

"Y-yeah," Camilo stuttered nervously, playing with the end of his rauna. Now that you were right next to him, butterflies had fluttered into his stomach the way they always did when he saw you

He'd had a crush on you since the first time you met, in the woods, when you had both decided to take a walk. He had liked you because of your adventurous spirit.

Little did he know, you had had the same reaction. Except you liked his funny, easygoing personality that always sent your heart fluttering.

"Well, what do you want to do today?" You asked cheerfully, starting to walk next to Camilo. Play it cool.

"Uh, we could go to the lake?" He suggested carefully, almost timidly.

You cocked an eyebrow, noticing his jitters, and nodded. "Okay. There should be less people there, anyway, since it's almost sunset now."

You couldn't believe it. A sunset? At the lake? With Camilo?

A dream turned reality.

"Y-yeah," Camilo agreed daily.

You nodded, noting his nervous expression, and continued walking. You walked close to Camilo, due to all the people in town crowding you two closer, which made Camilo feel like he was on fire. He wasn't sure if it was a good or bad feeling. Especially when your arm accidently brushed his, and he could've sworn he saw you blushing.

After a few minutes, you arrived at the lake. The sun had just started to go down, and purples, oranges, and pinks streaked the evening sky.

You looked to the sky excitedly and giggled, grabbing Camilo's hand and pulling him down onto the grass. His cheeks heated up at the contact, and he tangled his hands together to keep them still after you let go.

You rested your head on his shoulder, staring at the water in comfortable silence. It wasn't the first time you had done this, being his best friend and all, but it sure felt like it to Camilo. His heart thrummed against his chest wildly, his stomach felt like it was doing flips. His skin tingled and his palms started sweating.

A sort of buzzing feeling took over him, and he felt a little dizzy as he realized what he was doing. Shape shifting.

Oh, no.

You, sensing Camilo's unsteadiness, turned to look at him questioningly.

Except it wasn't really him.

He looked...different. Younger. Sorta like Antonio, just with different colored hair and slightly taller, a little older than his brother. His shoulders were hunched and he was staring at his body with a horrified expression on his face.

"Camilo? What......why..." You trailed off, unsure of what to say.

Camilo put his face in his hands. "Oh, gosh, y/n, I'm sorry. Sometimes w-when I g-get worked up I a-accidentally shift."

You looked at Camilo again, cocking your head, choosing one of the more curious questions. "Why were you worked up?"

The boy cleared his throat, looking away. "No reason."

You sighed. You hadn't really expected him to tell you. "Who are you, then?"

Camilo had a slightly confused expression until he realized you meant who he shifted into. An embarrassed blush erupted on his face as he said quietly, "Oh, it's still me. Just...young me."

You studied him for a moment, then laughed lightly. Your bubbly voice was enough to calm Camilo's nerves ever so slightly, and he shifted back into his regular self.

"Sorry about that," he said sheepishly, embarrassed.

You shook your head, a ghost of a smile on your lips. "You have nothing to be sorry for. And besides, you were a very cute little boy."

Camilo felt his face heat up. She just called me cute! He thought excitedly.

"Ha, thanks," he rubbed the back of his neck, trying not to seem to happy.

You smiled at his nervous habit and stood up, grabbing his hands and pulling him to his feet. "Come on, let's take a walk to calm those nerves." You winked.

Camilo looked stricken for a moment, but then his expression softened and he said very quickly. "Alright, but I have a small question to ask." He took a deep breath, seemingly gathering his thought. "I was wondering....if I asked you out, what would you say? And it's totally fine if it would be a no, I definitely understand. Who would want to date me? Don't feel pressured. It would be totally fine. I wouldn't care. Not that, you know, I wouldn't care to date you, but I wouldn't care if you said no...." He trailed off, then cringed when he though about how that sounded. "Why is this so hard?"

You giggled at his little rant. He really was adorable. "Duh, I'd say yes!"

Camilo looked entirely shocked, like he hadn't been expecting that answer at all. But he quickly regained his composure and said, "So how about tomorrow night then?"

You smiled. "You're on."

Another really choppy chapter. Sorry, haha.

Hope you liked it!

And I would enjoy a follow, if you have the time!

Love you all!

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