Camilo x Chubby Reader

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Ahhhh I love this SO STINKING MUCH.

Angst warning but oh my the FLUFF. AHHH


Enjoy! Yes this was a request from mommy108. And yes I have a couple other requests I'm working on so bare with me>;)

I have a playlist for this one! Some of the songs are super cliche, but oh well! (And no, the requester did not ask for this. But it's here anyway.)

Pretty's on the Inside by Chloe Adams!

Scars to Your Beautiful by Alessia Cara!

What Makes you Beautiful by One Direction!

Beauty is Only Skin Deep by The Temptations!

Something Just Like this by The Chainsmokers!

Well, that's all! Enjoy these songs anytime, you don't even have to listen to them with this chapter. Just pls take the time too hear them and appreciate the music! I personally LOVE the first one and the last one the most<3

Anyways, here we go!

"You're so stupid," Camilo said blatantly, not thinking. No filter whatsoever.

He just couldn't help himself. Y/N was being ridiculous.

She glared at him, her beautiful eyebrows turning down and her steely eyes becoming crystallized rocks. "Gee, thanks," she said sarcastically, looking away from him and hugging herself, making her seem smaller. Not that she needed to.

Camilo wished they were having this conversation somewhere else. His room wasn't very cozy, what with all the mirrors. Everytime he looked into one, he didn't see himself. He saw someone else, like Mirabel, or Dolores, or Bruno. Not himself.

He forced his eyes away and looked back at his girlfriend, who was staring into a mirror. It was large, with a green frame and Frankenstein bolts holding it up.

Camilo tried not to look, but he caught sight of himself in the reflection. Or, not himself. It was Luisa.

He sighed, standing up from his dusty bed in the corner and walking over to Y/N, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

He avoided looking in the mirror as he said, "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. You know that."

She sighed and shook her head, turning to look at him. She frowned when she noticed his eyes away from the mirror. "Why do you stay here, if you hate it so much?"

Camilo shook his head. This wasn't supposed to be about him. "It doesn't matter." He walked away, partially, turning his back on the mirror and ignoring the stabbing in his chest. "What does matter is you feeling okay. I don't understand how you....can even feel like this. It doesn't make sense...."

Camilo heard her sigh, her soft footsteps coming closer until her arms were hugging him from behind. "Camilo, you know I'm...bigger....than the average person," She whispered. "I just don't understand why you chose me as your girlfriend."

Camilo sighed, turning around to face her.

Focus on her. The mirror doesn't matter. He told himself, fighting not to look behind her.

He took a deep breath and shifted, quickly, into a form that felt slightly familiar. His amazing girlfriend.

"Does this," -he gestured to himself- "Look bad to you?"

Y/N looked away, towards the mirror, and Camilo felt himself cringe as he saw himself as Antonio in the reflection. But he didn't back away, he just took his girlfriend's hand gently.

He noticed she had tears in her eyes, and felt like he was on fire. "Hey, hey, it's okay," he tried to comfort.

"No it's not!" Y/N exploded, wrenching away from Camilo. He flinched. "I'm ugly and stupid and, and fat and...." She trailed off, sobbing into her hands, refusing to meet her boyfriend's caring eyes.

Camilo watched, silently, hardly noticing as he shifted back into himself. He walked over and only hesistated for a moment before wrapping his arms around her.

She leaned into him, sobbing, and he squeezed her closer to his heart. "Hey, mi Amor, it's okay. Take a deep breath. It'll be okay."

He felt her struggle to inhale and loosened his grip, but didn't stop holding her.

"Why," he pointed her chin up so she was looking at him, tears falling down her cheeks. "Do you think that you're fat?"

She shook her head, new tears forming in her eyes. "Because...I am. I just...don't look like other girls. They're so much prettier, and, and skinny! And I'm...not.." She broke off, looking away.

Camilo followed her gaze, without realizing it, then regretted it when he was found looking into another mirror. He was his mother, in this one. He felt his throat clench and blinked, hard, before turning back to Y/N. It didn't matter. This was about his wonderful girlfriend realizing how great she was, not about the bad feeling in his chest. "That's dumb. I don't care about other girls. I care about you!"

She rolled her eyes, but her cheeks heated up the tiniest bit. "But, Milo, I'm just not as good. You deserve someone better."

"So do you, but here we are."

She looked up at him, her perfect little face twisted in confusion, but Camilo continued before she could ask her questions.

"Those girls....are jerks. Trust me, I know, more than anyone, how rude they can get. Most pretty people are." He paused. "But not you. I got a real deal, with you. Smart, and beautiful, and full of life." He kissed her forehead. "And skinny, and lovely in everyway, but not selfish." He pulled back and smiled, slightly. "You think so poorly of yourself. If only you could see you through my eyes, and love yourself the way I adore you." He put his lips to her perfect, perfect eyebrows and let them rest, trying to comfort her in anyway he could.

Y/N leaned into the kiss, seeming happy for a moment. But then she backed away and said, "Touching, but not true. Come on, Camilo, open your eyes! I'm hideous, and they're gorgeous, and I....I don't deserve to be with you."

Camilo shook his head, refusing to believe the lies she fed herself. "You. Are. Perfect. Just the way you are. And I see that. If only you could, too, and be happy in your own body."

He grabbed her hand, looking at her tearful eyes, and whispered, "Besides, even if you were ugly, I would still date you."

And then Y/N was sobbing, crashing into Camilo with a hug so suddenly he felt like he couldn't breathe. But he immediately hugged back, kissing her hair roughly and squeezing her skinny little frame closer to him.

"I swear, I don't deserve you. But I love having you," she whispered, her throat cloaked with emotion.

Camilo kissed her forehead before answering in his lovely voice, for once seeming to forget the mirrors that felt like they were staring at him: "Ditto."


*chef's kiss*

And of course I added in some angst for Camilo. Sorry, I saw an opportunity and took it UwU

And you all are beautiful! Camilo loves you, I love you, Freddy loves many people, already! And then there's Leo from HOO, Conner from tlos, Keefe from get the point. We all think you're beautiful! So be yourself, express yourself, and, most importantly, love yourself! We need you to keep fighting the war in your head, and stay strong! I think you're lovely. Stay lovely, please. Believe me when I say that you are wonderful.

Send me a request! If ya did send one, I'm working on it! (*coughs*) Love you all!💞💕

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