Freddy Freeman x reader with stretch marks

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Ohhhhh yes.

Ohhhhhh yeah.

This, my dear reader, is probably one of my favorite requests in the history of requests.

And of course it's from the great gal that is mommy108

Just gonna send her hearts for sending me requests<33333333

*whispers* send me more

And for once i've got the actual request for ya:  "I know I requested something else, buttttt, could you do Freddy x reader with stretch marks? Just Freddy adoring reader’s stretch marks"

Awwwww it's so wholesome I'm gonna dieee

Just Freddy loving on you<3

Here you go!

You tugged on the bottom of your shorts, wondering, for the fifteenth time since you put them on, if they were too short.

They just barely covered a stretch mark on your upper thigh, and you weren't sure if you were ready to wear them. You needed to get skinnier, you thought, before you could wear them.

But Freddy had already been waiting downstairs for a full ten minutes, and you didn't want to make him wait any longer. So you took a deep breath, grabbing your purse, and walked out of the safety of your room.

You nervously tugged at the bottom on more time, then started your walk down the stairs and towards the living room, where Freddy was waiting.

"Hey!" He exclaimed when he saw you, like he did every time. It was like you were a celebrity. You thought it was cute.

He glanced at your outfit, his eyes scanning up and down with almost no expression, and butterflies filled you stomach.

"Hey," you said awkwardly, shifting back and forth, trying to get his attention away from your body.


Is that a good wow or a bad wow?

Freddy continued to stare for a moment, then smiled like he had just been given a birthday present. "Come here." He held out his arms, practically begging for hugs, and you obliged, settling into his arms.

He always seemed to want cuddles. It was his love language, you knew, and you were always happy to occupy his arms, no matter the time. He loved you for it.

"You're so gorgeous," Freddy mumbled into your hair.

You giggled, softly, blushing. Freddy said that almost every time he saw you. "Thank you."

"It's true." He turned around, as much as he was able too, so that he could face you again, and his eyes looked you up and down one more time. A quick glance. Almost unnoticeable, if you hadn't been so nervous you would have missed it. But you didn't.

"Oh," he said softly after a moment of anxiety filled silence. "I didn't know you had stretch marks."

And just like that, you thought you were going to die.

"What--" you started, then stopped, not sure what you were going to say if you had continued. Thoughts swam around your head and you wanted to scramble away, if you could move. If you weren't so worried that the motion might hurt Freddy's leg, you might've.

Freddy watched for a moment, then smiled. "I think they're kinda cute," he admitted, his face going an adorable shade of red as he looked down.

Your brain stopped working again. Did Freddy just call your stretch marks cute?

You stared at him. Was he

He must've noticed your look because he shrunk back a bit and blushed. "Oh, sorry, was that....bad?"

You knew Freddy had a fear of disappointing people. He always seemed to apologize for things that he had no control over, scared they were bad or something he shouldn't be doing. Just last week he had started crying, frustrated over his disability and the challenges it brought. But when you had noticed and tried to comfort him, he just apologized for, and I quote, "Being a big baby." Over and over.

You didn't necessarily know why he was like that, but you were quick to reassure him, anytime. And this time was no different, even if the topic was sensitive. "No, Freddy, it's fine, it's just....most guys don't like that. They like...skinny girls, I guess." You fiddled with your hands and looked away.

Freddy stared at you. Blinked. Shrugged. "You are skinny. Besides, most guys are just dumb."

You had to smile at that, slightly. Freddy was too sweet for his own good.

You relaxed in his arms a little, settling back into the position you were in before: You, up against Freddy's chest, his heartbeat near your ear, his arms around you. "Why are they....cute?" You had to know.

It was a minute before he answered, and you felt him shrug again. "I guess they just show that you've lived. Like, you went through all these experiences and everything. It's just another thing you got on the way. It just shows that you've grown. It just shows that you've lived, you know?" He paused. "And maybe that's stupid, but I just think it's amazing that you've done all that."

You stopped moving, maybe even stopped breathing, for a moment. Freddy's words echoed in your mind. You had never thought about it that way. Could marks like that really show something as beautiful and simple as life? Could scars and scrapes and bruises and tattoos and piercings and stretch marks and things like that really, simply mean that you've lived?

You twisted around, careful of Freddy's leg, and stared at him. His brown eyes stared back, and you felt lighter than you had in days.

"You....think so?" You had to ask.

He smiled, dazzling, amazing, and you saw that one of his teeth, in the back of his mouth, was chipped.

Just another sign that he had lived, you supposed.

"I know so," he muttered, and you wrapped your arms around him.

"I love you."

He hugged you back and pulled you closer, leaning to your ear. "And I love you. All of you. Everything."

You thought, that maybe, even if life was basically awful and people were destined to die, maybe if people like Freddy kept living and kept spreading good, maybe life wasn't as impossible as people said.


But you were okay with that.

This was so fun to write stop it

Love you guys<3333

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