We had dropped Dylan to his party but, as he was coming out, a girl spotted Louis. She was like, nine years old, and she began to fangirl.
Unlucky for us...her big sister and mates were there so, Louis had to quickly drive off but, if you've ever been in a car with Louis, you'll know that's not possible. He drives SO carefully and SO slowly!!
"STEP ON IT LOUIS!!" I screamed at him.
I groaned in frustration. If he doesn't hurry up, we're going to get mobbed by fans.
"LOUIS, TURN, TURN RIGHT!" I instructed him, poor, startled Louis did a brisk turn in panic.
We were now down a dirt road with lots of large trees hanging over us. If it was night right now, it'll be just like my nightmare...but with SPOONS.
"Err, where are we?" Louis asked, looking around.
"I have no idea." I admitted, sheepishly.
Niall had gone nuts. I never knew there was this side to him but to be honest, it made me love him even more! We had just ordered and I was sucking on a delicious vanilla milkshake, while Niall was waiting impatiently and Zayn was drinking some coke.... he's been drinking a lot of Coke...
"So, you do this everyday, Niall? You have a weird rush for food?"
"Well, not always..usually when it's an awkward situation I just think of food and things go mental. There's never an awkward situation though, normally." Niall told me.
I nodded, remembering the awkward situation, causing my cheeks to redden a bit so, I looked to the floor.
Throughout the meal, Zayn had quick glances at me, while he was eating. I don't even know why. It was slightly making me feel un-comfortable though. I felt quite self-conscious though his looks were harmless. I just ordered two milkshakes because, I wasn't a fan of Nandos.
"How can you not like Nandos?" Niall said in a sad voice.
"Aw, I'm sorry Niall! I just never had a good first impression with it."
"What do you mean?"
"I got food poisoning from one of the nandos in London." I admitted. (TRUE STORY-Tanisha xo')
"Wow..." was all Niall could say, before he turned his attention to his food.
Zayn still continued to watch me. Was there something wrong with my face?
I looked behind me to see if there was anything fascinating that he could be looking at. No, just plain wall. Niall raised an eyebrow at me but, then carried on eating his large chicken.
I sighed, drinking my milkshake. Mmm, the beautiful flavours...
I looked at Zayn annoyed. Once we made eye-contact, he held it there. I was glaring and he was staring, as he was trying to read my every thought.
"What's wrong with my face?!" I hissed at him, so Niall couldn't hear.
"Nothing, it's fine..why?"
"Then why are you staring?!"
Zayn blushed and looked down, "Sorry." he whispered.
My scowl turned into a smile, he's so cute. "It's fine." I reached out and touched his hand, which was surprisingly warm. He smiled back.
Luckily, Niall didn't notice or there would be twenty questions later. I wouldn't ever hear then end of it!
edited: 20/12/13.

Love Is Impossible.
FanfictionAlexis. Skyla. Roberts is just an average eighteen year old from England. Her nine year old Directioner brother who thanks to him, her world changes completely. Skyla hates One Direction, actually hate isn't even the word. When the boys move in ne...