Chapter Seventy-Four.

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I really, really, really love this chapter. I hope you do too. -Tanisha .x


I got off my phone as soon as she walked out the house. The rest of the boys didn't notice me leaving. They were too busy laughing or being embarrassed by some joke that I didn't understand.

The sun shone through the clouds as I walked out the house. Shoving my hands in my joggers pocket's, I noticed her sitting outside her old house. A random strange man was talking to her while she had a flustered/angry look on her face. I could just about hear some of the conversation:

"Why's a pretty girl like you alone?"

"Go away, grandpa."

"C'mon darling. I've still got it in me, come to my house.." He grabbed her arm and I noticed her flinching lightly at his touch, infuriating me.

"OI YOU. OLD GIT! YEAH YOU. LET GO OF HER, NOW!" I yelled at him, storming over.

"Move alone sonny, there's nothing to see here!" He tried to shoo me away.

I stood in front of Skyla, blocking her from this creepy pedo. "I suggest you leave before I send you to the emergency ward."

He held his wrinkly hands up in surrender, then ran/jogged/waked at speed off... remember he's old.

"Thanks Zayn." She mumbled, looking away from me as I perched myself on the wall next to her.

"Anytime... are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Why did you come out?"

"The others were doing my head looked upset." I answered truthfully.

She didn't answer. We sat in a very awkward silence for two minutes.

"Is everything okay between us? I don't like all this...awkwardness..." I admitted.

"I dunno." She mumbled, still looking away.

"Okay." not knowing what to say now... so awkward.

"How's Perrie?" AWKWARD.

"Erm... she's okay. We're not going out, if that's what your asking."

"Why not? You two are perfect for each other." She commented, blankly.

"Because....I'm still.....erm...waiting for...-"

"-Zayn we gave it a try... It didn't work out. We're still friends though. You should ask Perrie out. She's into you.. and deep down, you are too." She smiled at me.

I sighed, damn.... "Okay..."


"Erm.. as much as it pains me.. you should go out with Harry.. or Nathan.. they're both into you, and I'll guess they'll treat you right." NOT AS MUCH I WOULD.. but hey ho.

She looked at me blankly then burst out laughing, "AS IF. HARRY? ARE YOU NEW HERE?!"

I smirked, glad that she didn't think of him that way.. yet.

I took her hand in mines, helping her up. We walked to our front door then I stopped, facing her. "Skyla... do you wanna prank the others?"

A evil grin came across her face, "What have you got in mind?"


Skyla walked in hand in hand talking amongst themselves with loving expression... wait, what?

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