It has been two hours of dancing chatting up women, popping to bathroom with them and moving on. But, something was different.
After I got a girl, something always went wrong. It happened with each girl.
The first one was funny. The second had cute dimples. The third had attitude and was quite stubborn. The fourth hated one direction...but, obviously didn't know it was me. The fifth was a tomboy. The sixth girl wore the same clothes as Lexi... Each girl had something that symbolized her. I was so frightened and shocked that I soon gave up, running out the sweaty, crowded club.
I held my blazer over my shoulder. I hadn't drank much but, I still couldn't focus on where I was going.. I can't even get her out my head which was the main reason I came to the club, to focus on other chics. Not that it helped though... it just made everything much worse.
I slumped to the ground and started shaking like crazy. If a car or person came by right now, they'd think I'm a homeless, helpless runaway... it was then that I knew who to call...
We were all munching on Chinese food, watching Miranda. To be honest, she's not all that funny. Sure, some of her jokes are but, some are also cheesy.. Suddenly the phone rang. I turned to face the boys who were all watching the TV. "Is anyone going to answer that?"
Everyone shook their heads.. lazy. I sighed and got up from the floor where I was next to Niall, picking up the phone. I moved into the kitchen so I could hear clearly.
"One Direction's household." I spoke, wow that was quite cheesy.
"Er hi, is that..Zayn?"
I snorted, "No! It's Skyla. Sorry whom am I speaking with?"
The raspy deep voice paused and then whispered, "Harry."
"Oh...um, who do you want to speak with?" AWWWWWWWKWARD.
"Er..Liam thanks." I rushed over to the boy taking his food away, handing the phone to him and mouthed, "DEVIL!"
Liam frowned and got up slowly then, walked up the stairs. All six blue and hazel pairs of eyes were now on me.
"Who was it?" Louis asked, curiously.
"Harold." I answered blankly, sitting back down next to Niall.
"What did he want?" Zayn questioned, an edge to his tone.
"Dunno." Come on Miranda, amuse me..take me away from all this tension. After the show finished, Niall tapped my shoulder.
"Are you going to eat that?" He pointed to my food that I hadn't touched, timidly.
I smiled, handing it to him and pinched his cute cheek.
All of a sudden, Liam came bounding down the stairs with his jacket and shoes on. "Er Louis, can you drive me somewhere?"
Louis turned his head to face Liam and raised an eyebrow.." Alone...with you..in the dark?"
"C'mon Lou, forgive and forget! I won't pester you about your slow driving!" Liam pleaded him.
"Nuh. Uh. and..MY DRIVING ISN'T SLOW!" Louis argued.
"Yeah it is, Louis." Zayn told him, Niall nodded in agreement.
"Whatever. Just take my car Liam." Louis turned his back to him.
"My mum does it all the time." I stated.
Liam looked at me in shock then, shook his head. "Okay.. Alexis can you drive me then please?"
"Yep, as long as you never call me Alexis again. You sound like my mother.. and you're starting to act like her too." I got to my feet, grabbing my jacked and put on my converses.
"Niall, don't even try and touch my food." Liam warned the adorable Irish lad.
"Um.. too late." I mumbled, patting Liam's shoulder then pulled him out the door before he could shout at poor Nialler.
"Okay...which car?" Liam asked me as we walked into the garage. It had five different cars, a black jeep. A violet Volvo.. oh that's MY car.. A white old Ford, a red Audi and sleek silver Careera.
"OhMyGod. I'll take the Jeep, it has privacy glass!" I said excitedly as Liam threw me the keys.
"Where to?" I asked him as we were all buckled in.
"Um...Nightgale Club. Near there... probably."
"I thought you didn't like clubs?"
"I don't." He replied, blankly. Okay then.. off we go.
I hope he's okay, he sounded really upset on the phone. Maybe one of his ex flings husbands found him and beat him up... but, he mentioned something about Skyla between his sobs.
"Erm, stop here." I instructed Skyla and we stopped near a lampost on a dim lit street... creepy.
"Are you sure?" She looked around wearily.
"Yes, wait here for me please?" I stepped out the car and looked around for Harry.
"Hazza?" I called.
"Over here.." I heard a sniffle. I bent down to Harry who was sitting on a curb, with his head on his crossed arms.
"You alright mate?" I placed an arm around him.
"No. My mind going insane. My head is messed up and my heart keeps hurting.."
"Why? What happened? Did you get into a fight?!" I asked, worriedly...violence, URGH.
"No. I don't know what's going on Liam. I can't stop thinking of...-"
"Of who?" I cut him off, curiously.
His green eyes met mines, "Skyla. It's completely messed up. I don't even know why! It's like my mind can only come up with her. It makes my heart ache. When I was at the club, all these girls..had something to do with her. Funny. Dimples. Attitude. Hates One Direction. Clothes. Tomboy... It's so frustrating! She's always on my mind. I've only just met her! Why am I going insane Liam?!" Harry cried hysterically.
I smiled...FINALLLYYYYYY!!!!!!! "Do you really want to know why?"
"YES! Yes, of course I do!"
I took a deep breathe... "Because you're falling in love."
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! IN LOVE PSSHTTT RIGHT?! ;) maybe...maybe not. ANWAYS.. Can I have more readers on this story. I love this story so much, I can't stop writing...:P I'm already on chapter 72..yep, insane right? look, idc about the votes but Reads and Comments mean so much. thankyou -Tanisha xo'
edited: 22/12/13.

Love Is Impossible.
FanfictionAlexis. Skyla. Roberts is just an average eighteen year old from England. Her nine year old Directioner brother who thanks to him, her world changes completely. Skyla hates One Direction, actually hate isn't even the word. When the boys move in ne...