Chapter Fifty-Eight. {the ball}

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~Four Days Later, Night Of The Ball~ 


"Are you sure this even suits me? I'm having second thoughts!" Sky asked me, panicking round her bedroom, frantically breathing unevenly. Adorable.

She looked stunning actually. Like a true Princess. The purple dress was showing off her figure, not making her look like someone she's not and her own signature of black conversers with purple laces really finished off her look, if I'm honest. I couldn't criticise her because there was nothing wrong with her, nothing at all. She looked flawless.

"You look like a princess, Sky." I smiled at her.

She gave me a small smile back and I extended my arm so we could link them. Walking down the stairs with her by my side was really nerve-wracking because as soon as she saw Harry, Louis and Eleanor downstairs she almost had a panic attack. She started squealing hysterically rushing into her friend's arms.

"Damn, Eleanor! You look so stunning!!" Sky hugged her.

"But babe, you look gorgeous!" Eleanor gasped dramatically.

Girls now a days...

Eleanor was wearing a flowing red dress and was colour co-coordinated with Louis, with his red tie and red handkerchief in his pocket of his black tuxedo. He looked very smart. I didn't know he could dress up so smartly without a stylist! Ahh, we're all full of surprises.

"You look beautiful, Sky." Harry complimented my best friend with a genuine smile, causing the rest of us to exchange 'the look'. We have high hopes for both of them, me more then the others. I just want her to be happy again.

He was wearing the same tuxedo but, with a purple bow tie and handkerchief.. hold on a second!! Purple Harry.. Purple Skyla... HEY!!! They must be colour coordinating like a true couple, ooooooh.

Liam came downstairs looking tired and very exhausted. He pulled a face, glancing upstairs, indicating to Zayn. It's his own fault for choosing to take the responsibility in looking after the heartbroken Bradford boy.

Poor guy has been a mess for the past few days. He couldn't be bothered to come out his room at all... Luckily for us, Skyla wasn't that bad otherwise this would be the heart-break hotel! Ohh, The WANTED!

Liam was wearing a black tie and handkerchief with his tux, boring! I was wearing green.. Irish swag.

"We all ready then?" Liam asked, looking around then tightened his tie.

We all nodded and went out to the garage. There was now seven of us, so we couldn't all fit into one car. Harry was driving one and the others would take a taxi. He told us he didn't want to drink tonight... weirdo... it was not like him at all! Maybe Skyla is changing him? Seeing as she also doesn't drink...

"After you, princess." I opened the back doors for Skyla and she smiled gratefully before entering.

It was me, Harry, Skyla and Liam in the Carrera, while Louis and Eleanor waited for Zayn and the taxi.

"Are you excited?" I questioned Sky on the journey. Harry looked at us from the mirror, waiting for her answer. I knew I was excited because parties were awesome! She looked nervous almost. Why?

"Sort of... I'll be with celebs.. some that I listen to everyday! I want to make a good first impression but, I know I'll mess things up..." She laughed, half-heartedly.

"Aw! No you won't! Just act like you're with us; we're celebs! They're all down to earth humans, just like any other person you see on the street." I reassured her, putting my arm around her shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

She gave me a smile, revealing her adorable dimples. I don't understand why she doesn't like them.

"So who'll be there?" she asked us all curiously.

"Ed Sheeran, of course." Harry smirked.

Skyla rolled her eyes, "Yes, I grasped that Harold."

"Why don't we go in and find out then? We're here." Harry announced, parking the car. Woah, that was rather quick... I didn't realise Harry was driving so fast. Much faster then Louis, I'll tell you that!

I love parties! Free food and dancing to music! What's not to love? I socialise well too, people love meeee, and I love people.

We all walked through the grand doors and Skyla gulped slightly as we entered the large hall with a huge glass chandler hanging from the ceiling.

"If I get really wasted, run straight to Harry. I'm not a pretty sight when I'm drunk." I whispered into her ear causing her giggle.

"Niall, Harry, Liam! So glad you could make it! How are you boys?... Wait... Hello there... Who's this?" Ed Sheeran greeted us then paused looking at Skyla.

"This is Alexis. Skyla. Roberts. She's one of our closest friends. She lives with us." Liam informed him.

Ed Sheeran nodded then smiled at her warmly, "Hi Alexis! I'm Ed Sheeran."

"I-I-I-" Skyla gaped suddenly. I gave her hand a squeeze and she snapped out of it.

"I mean, Hi! It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm a big fan." She corrected herself with a small blush creeping onto her cheeks, aw. Imagine what she'd be like if she met her idols? That would be quite amusing actually.

"The pleasure is all mines! So, which one of the boys are you dating then?" Ed asked her cheekily.

Her face flushed bright pink and she looked down to the floor in embarrassment.

"She's not dating any of us." Harry told him a bit harshly... okay then?

Ed nodded but was clearly amused, "Okay.. Well, enjoy the party!" Then he strolled off to greet the next guests, we took her away from the soon to be crowded area because she looked like she should could faint any second.

"Thanks guys..." Skyla muttered.

"That was the first time we've seen you shy, Skyla!" Liam gasped.

She smacked his shoulder playfully, "And it'll be the last!"

But she was wrong.

If only she knew what Harry and I had planned for her.

I caught Harry's eyes and he grinned back at me.

Ooh, I'm excited!

{{hiiiiiiii. how was it? hum? wow. already chapter 58 wow. wow. only 22 chapters to go now. all so emotional.  *sigh* SO WHAT IS NARRY PLANNING? A THREESOME? only I know. But, whoever guesses the closest, gets a shoutout? Sound good! Cool! DONT FORGET TO VOTE ALL THE CHAPTERS THANKS. -Tanisha .xx}}

edited: 18/02/14.

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