~*~*~*{Liam Payne}*~*~*~
So the young curly haired bot finally admits he's in love. Well, maybe he didn't mean it and it came out as a comeback.. whatever it was, me and Louis need a serious talk with him.
He avoided eye contact as he slowly walked out the booth.
Skyla and Niall had gone back to the car because they were getting tired of waiting around.
Thank God for that though! Imagine what Skyla would be like if she heard them arguing! Woah..
Even I wouldn't be able to control her..
Wow.. He's in love! Oh My God He's in love!!!!! I'm fangirling.. Why am I fangirling? I don't know!
Louis grabbed Harry's arm as he tired to sneak past us.
"Not so fast, cat lover." Louis chuckled.
"So... you love her?" I questioned him, raising my eyebrow.
"No." He spoke calmly but it was still barely audible.
"Sureeeeeeeeee." Louis and I responded sarcastically.
"Come on! We're your best mates! You can tell us!" Louis encouraged him.
"There's nothing to tell." He replied blankly, staring out the open window.
"But Harry-" I placed a hand on Louis's shoulder, stopping him.
"Leave the boy. If he wants to tell us, he will."
Harry then strolled out the door, scratching the back of his neck.
Louis scowled at me, "Liam! I almost had him! We were so close!"
"I know, I know. I'm sorry but, we shouldn't force it out of him. It has to come out naturally. Like how you tell Eleanor." I smiled.
"But Liam!!!-" He complained but I simply shook my head and he sighed loudly.
"Okay fine." He slumped back to the car, poor boy.
~*~*~*{Niall Horan}*~*~*~
"Do you like Justin Bieber?" I asked Skyla as we waited for Louis, Liam and Harry to come back.
Zayn had stormed into the car in a huff a few seconds ago.
I was going to ask what's up but, he looked like he was in no mood to talk...
When Zayn was in this kinda mood, it's best not to talk to him because any little thing can set him off.
"Yeah. Bieber's okay." She nodded.
"Cool.. here." I pressed play on the stereo.
As Long As You Love Me began to play. Skyla and I bopped our heads cheesily to the music.
"AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME. WE COULD BE STRAVING. WE COULD BE HOMELESS. WE COULD BE BROKE." I sang cheesily, doing crazy actions that caused Skyla to laugh out hysterically.
All of a sudden, Zayn started banging on the privacy glass harshly.
I opened the little window thingy, "CAN YOU TURN THAT CRAP OFF?!" He yelled, angrily.
I reached out to turn it off but Skyla stopped me.
"No." She replied coldly to him.
She turned the volume dial up and his hazel eyes grew wide and angry.. almost pained too.
I flicked the next song on shuffle... Save You Tonight.
"Iiiiiiiiiiiii I wanna save you, wanna save your heart tonight. He'll only break you. Leave you torn apart, oh. I can't be no superman, but for you I'll be superhuman!" I sang loudly to Skyla who was laughing again.
Zayn clenched his fists, closing his eyelids as is looked like he was trying to calm down. What's up with him?
Then Zayn's solo came on.. and his hazel eyes were suddenly revealed.
"SHUT IT OFF NOW!!!!!" He roared at us.. sh*t!
I immediately obeyed, damn that was scary. Skyla shut the window thingy and looked at me in shock.
"What the hell is his problem?! Does he have some pysco anger problems' or something?!" She exclaimed.
Before I could answer, Liam came in and so did Harry and Louis. I started the engine and drove off quickly.
Someone needs to calm Zayn down.. as soon as possible or, it'll be World War Three in our household.
I don't like my friends fighting.
Why can't everyone get along?
No hate...
But the world doesn't work like that...
aww niall is so cute:) anyways! That's all from me today folks, but if you want me to update.
comment! and goal- two votes.. okay? :D tell me what you like so far and if you'll read Love Is Impossible Part 2? :) love you all -Tanisha ,xx

Love Is Impossible.
FanficAlexis. Skyla. Roberts is just an average eighteen year old from England. Her nine year old Directioner brother who thanks to him, her world changes completely. Skyla hates One Direction, actually hate isn't even the word. When the boys move in ne...