Chapter Twenty-Six. {nine months in hell}

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Mmmh, my stomach to finally full after eating Liam's food too oops.

"Liam's going to flip at you, mate." Zayn chuckled. I shrugged.

Louis was on the phone happily to his girlfriend, Eleanor, awww. She's very nice... she gives me food!

"Do you keep in contact with Perrie then, Zayn?" I asked him.

Zayn spluttered a bit on his coke at my random question, "Err yeah... sometimes."

"Oh cool, how is she?"

"Um...she's good."

"Uhuh, you should invite her over sometime!" I told him.

Zayn spat his coke all over the tables and mutters a few...rude...words under his breath. "Right. Well she must be busy Niall."

"She can't be busy when it comes to you Zayn! I'm sure she'd clear her whole schedule for you. Remember when we first met Little Mix backstage...AAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHH!" I burst out laughing, uncontrollably.

Zayn frowned at me, "Don't try to remind me of that night Niall." He scowled.

“But, the second we came back you were singing ‘SHE'S GOT THAT ONE THIIING! AND I NEED THAT ONE THING!"

“I was drunk!” Zayn stated.

“Sure you were.” I rolled my eyes at him, so stubborn.

Louis then walked in the room, looking around. “Alex not back yet?”

I shook my head, “Nope.”

Then he went back to the kitchen with his phone, okay then..

As if by magic, in walks in Sky!!

“SKY! YOU’VE GROWN SO MUCH!” I hugged her.

“And look at you my hungry baby! Looks like you’ve eaten Liam’s food too...hmm...” She teased, pinching my cheeks. I actually like that she does that to me.

“ALEXX!!!” Louis comes rushing up to us.

“LOUIS!!” Skyla grinned.

“I have a special someone who is dying to speak to you!” Louis spoke excitedly. Zayn and I exchanged a knowing look as Louis passed her his phone.

“Hello...oh hey, yes. Ahaha, yep! I’ve heard lots about you!”


“Aw thank you.”

“How are you coping with the boys?” Eleanor asked me.

“Hum...they’re hard work, especially your Lou! He’s a wild one.” I joked.

“Ahaha, yep... that’s my Louis! It’s always like a zoo with the boys! I’ve heard such good things about you Alexis! We should really meet up!”

“That sounds great, yes. Aw, maybe tomorrow?” I suggested.

“Definitely! I live nearby too. It’s good to hear the boys have moved to that neighbourhood. It’s very secretive.”

“Not good for me though! They practically kidnapped me!”

I heard her laugh which made me smile, “That’s our boys for you. So, do you fancy any of them?”

“No. No way! Definitely not! At the start of the day, I didn’t want anything to do with them, apart from Niall but, now I really like Liam, Zayn and of course, Louis. They’re great mates.”

“Aw, that’s good. By the end of the week I bet you’ll be practically like family!”

“That is if I survive that long!”

“Ahaha, true, true. What about lil Harry? He not on your good side? I’ve never met anyone that hasn’t been charmed by Hazza...”

“Well, wait until tomorrow, and you will. Honestly, I can’t stand him. Thinks he’s all it and thinks he can get any girl he wants... he really does my head in!!”

“So what I’m hearing is... you’re playing hard to get?” amusement very clear in her voice.

“No! No, No way! Hell no! I one hundred per cent don’t like him!!”

She laughed again, “Ahaha, I bet that will change soon.”

“It won’t. My brother’s the Directioner. Not me.”

“Ah yes, I heard about the little cutie, Dylan right?”

“Yep. Louis and Liam dropped him off at this party. He has a big obsession of Liam.”

“So I’ve heard! Ahaha, you’re really sweet hunnie. I really can’t wait to meet you! I’m sure we’ll be great friends.”

“Defoo, you’re practically a sister to me already.”

“Aw, yes. You’re like the younger sister I never had! We should have a shopping trip tomorrow, okay?”

“Err... I dunoo... I’m not really a fan of shopping to be honest, but I’ll give it a shot.”

“Aw okay. Well, I better be off to bed, big day tomorrow! Good Night Sweetie.”


I skipped back to the others and handed the phone back to Louis, who was beaming with pride.

“Yes, my two girls have bonded!” Louis cried.

“Your two girls?” I quizzed.

“Yep! You’re practically family to me now Alex! I can’t ever let you go now! You’re now one of us now!

Niall and Zayn grinned and nodded in agreement.

“No, No...NO! Soon you guys will go on tour or to America or whatever, and you’ll leave this house and I’ll be FREEEE OKAY FREE!!” I exclaimed, flapping my arms like wings.

Zayn chuckled, “You can’t get rid of us that easily. We won’t go down without a fight.”

“Yeah, we won’t be planning on going anywhere for nine months anyway. We have time off for our ONEDFUL WORK FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS... oh, and X Factor!!” Niall grinned at me.

“Oh that’s just great... I’m stuck with you lot for nine months?! I’d rather be stuck with a damn fetus in my stomach!!” I groaned.

“I’m sure Zayn can have that arranged.” Louis winked at Zayn, causing Niall and Louis to exchange a high-five... what weirdos.

If this is what every day is gonna be like for nine months... I might as well plan my funeral now.

There is no way I’m lasting nine months with One Direction. No. Fricking. Way.

edited: 22/12/13.

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