Chapter Thirty-Three. {one of the boys}

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Well, I don't know if you've noticed but I don't edit my story so if there is any grammer mistakes I apologise! Anyways...I'll try and get at least two chapters typed up for you guys today because tomorrow I'll be going on holiday for twelve days...ON WITH THE STORY -Tanisha xo'



Eleanor was in my arms, tears streaming down her cheeks. Witnessing what just happened to Alex had scarred me.

I knew that families weren't perfect.. I would know, with my parents divorced but still, we're still happy. I've never seen something like this before, not even in the movies. And the fact that it happened right before my eyes to one of my friends.. someone that I've learnt to care about, even if she doesn't like my job or band members.. it just- just really pained me.. Eleanor has only known her for a short period of time yet, they're both suddenly so close! 

Alex has changed our lives so quickly, she's already part of our lives.. she's one of the boys. Watching Zayn and Alex standing in front of me, not moving, just staring out the door.. It was hard to take it in.

I'm a happy person, I hate it when someone's upset.. Especially if it's the ones I love. 

"Sushh baby, be strong!" I whispered into Eleanor's ear, removing the damp strands of brown hair that was covering her beautiful face. I cupped her cheeks into my palms. She smiled weakly. I wiped the loose tears that slowly slipped down her cheeks with my thumbs.

"I love you." I kissed her forehead sweetly.

"I love you too." Eleanor smiled.

"Do you guys wanna go back to the house?" Alex spoke, still not moving from her frozen stance.

"If you want to Alex, you're one of us now. You'll stay with us, okay?" I told her, Eleanor rested her head on my shoulder and smiled, knowing that I've done a really good thing.

Zayn and Alex turned around to face me. Zayn watched Alex intently. Alex looked at Zayn, then at me and gave me a weak smile. "Are you sure? I'm not a fan, I've hated you boys for so long? I'm a directionater, I-"

"-but that's the past now. You only hate Harry, right? That's all behind us. You're one of us Skyla." Zayn spoke, his brown eyes meeting Alex's.

"Come on, you're one of the boys." I flashed her a grin.

"Please? You'll be safe and happy with us.. I promise you." Zayn pleaded, touching her hand. Eleanor and I exchanged a look.

"Okay.. thank you so much." Alex smiled, nodding her head.

"Yay! I'll definitely be coming round yours more often now!" Eleanor grinned at me.

I pouted, "Aw, so you wouldn't have come as often if Alex weren't here?"

"Hehe, I guess not. Being surrounded by boys, being the only girl is not my cup of tea. At least now when I come over, you still can chill out with the other boys and I'll have someone to talk too."

"Um, I'll go grab some more stuff from my room then.." Alex announced, walking over to the stairs.

"I'll help you." Zayn followed her.

"We'll meet you back at home, okay?" I told them. Best leave the two.. almost lovers.. alone!

As we walked across the driveway, Eleanor smirked at me, mischievously. I love how I'm rubbing off on her!

"What?" I questioned her.

"They're so cute!" She giggled.

"Yeah but.. you're cuter." I kissed her cheek, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind.

"I love you, Lou." Eleanor whispered.

"I love you, El." I kissed her neck slowly.


AWWWWW! aha, they're adorable. (: Will Skyla ever have a relationship like that? Hm..Only I know;) -Tanisha xo'

edited: 23/12/13.

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