Chapter Fourty-Five. {she's drunk}

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Liam Payne}*~*~

I gathered Zayn, Niall and Louis up ready to take them home. They were so clearly wasted.

I had found Harry but then he escaped... grr.. Suddenly I felt my pocket vibrate. I took out my phone and read the text message.

"Ive taken Sykla bk home- Haz x" I smiled, good for him being responsible. Oh wait a second!

 Alone together, in a house, she could be wasted too... he could be... oh god! Gotta get home!

"C'mon boys!" I announced, rounding them out the door.

Niall and Zayn were holding each other for support. Zayn whispered something into his ear causing Niall to giggle.

"What's wrong?" I questioned the drunk blonde.

"Zayn had a kissy wissy with Sky.." Niall grinned.

I looked at Zayn who was nodding his head vigorously.. woah.

"Then what happened, Zayn?" I asked, curiously.

"Meany Harry took her away.." Zayn said sadly.

"AWWWW!" Louis pouted, pinching Zayn's cheeks like Skyla does to Niall.

"I was going to ask her out.." Zayn sighed.

Niall gasped and then slapped him, "NO!! Too soon, silly boy!!"

I chuckled at the sight, "Okay guys, let's talk about in the morning.. into the taxi." I led them into the open doors, then sat in the passenger seat.

As soon as they sat in.. then instantly fell asleep, aw.

~*{Alexis. Skyla. Roberts}*~

OUUUCHHH! My head hurts..

I rubbed my forehead sitting up from the bed. Wait, why was I in bed?

I rubbed my eyes looking around. I was back at the house... in my bed.. next to Harry who was looking up at me confused.

"How did I get home?" I asked him, confused myself.

"I took you home, You were very drunk." Harry informed me, sitting up as well.

I looked at my outfit, still my purple shorts and black crop top.. I'm too tired to get up and change though.

Harry was wearing his white shirt and chinos still.. His blazer lying on the floor.

"I don't drink." I stated.

"Well you did.. A LOT!"

I shook my head vigorously but, that was stupid as it made my head hurt even more.

"OWWWW! MY HEAD!! I HAVE A HEADACHE!!" I exclaimed, clutching my head.

"It's called a hangover." Harry told me, as if I didn't know that already, idiot. But I wasn't in the mood to argue with him. My energy was already drained.

"Harry.." I started.

"Yeah..?" He looked at me with innocent green eyes.

"Cuddle me."

He looked at me blankly then after a few seconds his eyes widened, "Are you serious?!"

"Yes.. I just want to be held!" I groaned.

Harry smirked but lay down and opened his arms. I smiled and snuggled into his warm chest as he wrapped his protective arms around me.

"This may be the only thing I like about you.." I mumbled.

"And what's that?" Harry spoke breathlessly on my hair.

"You make me feel safe..." I whispered, closing my eye lids and exhaustion took over me, causing me to fall fast asleep.


She was still drunk. She didn't know what she was saying. She was tired. She-She-

I tried to come up with excuses in my mind but, my heart kept saying, "She had a hangover so, she is no longer drunk. You make her feel safe, Harry. Be proud."

I am quite proud. Sure, it may be the only thing she likes about me, but I'm going to change that!

I wasn't tired at all so, I watched Skyla sleeping peacefully in my arms.

So cute and innocent, like a kitty. But, when she wakes she's like a vicious tiger... well, only to me.

I have to make her see that I'm not the guy she's stereotyping me for.

Sure, some of the stuff she said must have been true but, now that she said it.. It has effected me. I've changed now.

I haven't laid a girl in three days. That's huge for me!

Now when she told me she loved me.. something happened, no it was when I first laid eyes on her, that's when something happened.

Something special.

Something tingling that made my body all mushy and warm.

Looking at her laughing and smiling with the others made me the happiest guy in the world but, then it shattered when I realised she'd never smile and laugh with me... but she loves you Harry?

Though she hasn't shown any signs..

What if it was just an excuse?

It worked.

It got me all worked up and paranoid.

I haven't felt like this since school days..

I don't know what's going on..

What the hell is happening to me?!


naw poor baby ;) hehe. so, did you like that chapter? No? Yes? Comment! Who do you guys ship anyway? :) -Tanisha .x

edited: 27/12/13.

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