Chapter Thirty-Seven. {summer love}

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Hiiiiii. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while buuuut, I see I have had no comments. So basically right now, I am talking to myself. Um..yeah. ._. Anyways,,,, I have written ALOT for this book and still am writing it. Even though I actually have no human alive beings reading it, I still wanna read it myself on my iPod so H A H A I'm still updating. It's sad that no-one likes this book because I'm pretty proud of it. Oh well.... .x -Tanisha xo'



We walked hand in hand to the park. It was 4 o'clock now and the sun was still high in the sky. Niall had this excited look on his face. I don't even know why he thinks this'll work. We probably won't even get a sentance done.

"Oooohhh, SWINGS!!" Niall exclaimed, running over to them. I laughed, holding his guitar as he pushed the swing high in the air and started to wave his hands in the air crazily.

"Come on Niall, we have work to do!" I faked scowled at him. He reluctantly stopped and jumped down. He led me to a shady area, underneath a large Oak tree and sat down, patting the empty space beside him.

I froze. This is the spot I always sit in when I need to have some time to think, alone.

The last time I came here was after a dating disaster. We were at camp and everything was perfect until I found out he was going into the army. I though we'd be able to see each other again..I was wrong. Though he was from Birmingham and I was from Leicester, maybe we could have but, he told me he was going to fight in Afghanistan. A few months later, I heard he was shot. There was so much I wanted to tell him.

"Are you okay?" Niall asked me, concerned.

I shook my head and he immediately stood up and wrapped his strong arms around me, protectively shielding me from the world. I blurted out everything to him and he took it all him. I didn't want to lie to my best-friend.

"I have an idea. Yanno how you said you always wanted to talk about how you felt?"

I nodded my head, wiping the few tears that had stained my cheeks.

"Well...we should put that in the song!" Niall sat back down and patted the space next to him, again. This time I said down and faced him. he did his guitar stance and started strumming on a few chords.

"Can't believe you're, packing your bags, trying so hard not to cry. Had the best time, now it's the worst time, 'cus we have to say goodbye..." He sang softly.

I closed my eyes and let the melody sink in then, I sand the first things that came to my mind. "Don't promise that you're gonna write. Don't promise that you'll call. Just promise that you won't forget we had it all."

" 'Cus you were mines for the summer, now the summers nearly over. Feels like snow in September but, I always will remember, that you were my summer love. You always will summer love." Niall sang, the he stopped playing and smiled.

"That was beautiful." I commented.

"I think we are in the making of a hit, Sky!" Niall grinned, holding his hand up.

I laughed, smacking it. I took out my phone and got the voice recorder app on. "Okay. Let's do it."

***One Hour Later***

"So please don't make this any harder. We can't take this any further. But, I know there is nothing that I wouldn't change, change.."

I looked at the others faces, anxiously. Niall and I had finished the song and was playing the recording for the others. We were now waiting patiently..well Niall was. I was quite impatient.

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