Chapter Thirty-Five. {you're jealous}

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How did all this happen in such little time?! Louis and Eleanor had just told Harry, Liam and I what had happened with Sky and her mother. It's actually really heartbreaking. Especially since I wasn't there to comfort her but, Eleanor says she was expressionless the whole tine...

We had all immediately agreed to have her stay with us. We owe it to her, maybe this was our fault? I don't know. We'll make her smile again, this'll be a new start for her. A fresh start.

"Is it even legal to do that?!" Liam questioned us. He was pacing back and forth, furious with what he's just heard.

"I don't know, Liam. It's her son though. She has rights.." Eleanor sighed, sitting down on Louis's lap.

"Yes but, she is clearly not capable of looking after a nine year old! We have to tell the police!"

"We can't Liam. We promised Simon we'd lay low, remember?" Louis reminded him.

Harry was sitting on the sofa, staring at his hands. He hadn't said a word since Lou and Eleanor had told us what happened.

"So she's with Zayn right now?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, they're packing her stuff up." Eleanor informed me.

"Okay, so we wait until they come back and then we'll see how it goes from there." Louis explained.

"I still think we should do something about this.. That Steve guy sounds dodgy." Liam argued.

"Yes, and he looked dodgy too but, let's just see what Alex has to say first okay? It's not our situation, it's hers." Louis told him.

"Yeah but, she's one of us. Her situation is our situation now. Your world is my world, my fight is your fight and my breath is your breath." I grinned at them.

Lou, Liam and Eleanor groaned at my Justin Bieber cheesiness. I had to cheer up the atmosphere! I hate seeing people sad!

Suddenly, we heard muffled voices coming from outside and everyone shot out their seats, gathering around the door. In walks, Zayn and Sky with bags. Sky looks up at us with a smile. "Hi guys." Zayn drops his bags near the sofa and then took Sky's too.

I kept my eyes on her the whole time but, Eleanor was right.. so expressionless.

"How you doing, sweetheart?" Liam asked her, looking at her with a concerned expression.

"I'm fine. Thank you guys for keeping me.. I don't know how to thank you enough."

I smiled, "It's the least we can do. We're neighbours, don't neighbours look out for each other?"

She laughed, "I guess."

"Do you want me to take your bags to our room?" Harry asked, speaking for the first time. His green eyes locked on Sky.

"Erm yeah sure. I'll help." She picked up two bags but, was clearly struggling. Harry smiled and took one form her, picking up the others from the floor. They made their way slowly up the stairs.

Zayn was watching them, a pained look came across his face.

"You alright mate?" I asked.

Zayn snapped out his trance and nodded.

Lou, El, Niall and I all exchanged an amused look, then burst out laughing.

"What?" Zayn asked, confused.

"YOUUUU!!" Louis chocked.

"What about me?" Zayn quizzed him.

"That's so cute!" Eleanor exclaimed with a massive smile on her face.

"What is?!" Zayn was getting impatient.

"You're jealous." Liam teased.


"Sky and Harry!" I laughed, we all exchanged High-Fives.

Zayn's cheeks turned crimson and he looked to the floor, "Shut up. You guys don't know anything."

"Yeah, Yeah. SURE WE DON'T." Louis rolled his blue eyes, smirking.

"You should tell her Zayn." Eleanor giggled.

"Yeah mate. Tell her how you feel!" Liam encouraged him.


"YOU GOT THAT ONE THING!!" We all sang. Zayn finally cracked a smile.

"So c'mon. You've got it wrong. To prove I'm right, I put it in a song. I don't know why you're being shy, and turn away when I look into your eyes." Zayn smirked.

We all cheered, finally admitted it!

"Tell her soon. Before Harry goes to Plan B." Louis told him, more seriously now.

"Plan B, Lou?" Eleanor asked him, confused.

"Yeah, he'll yanno.. do what he does best."

"And what is that?" I questioned him, curiously.

Louis, Liam and Zayn gave me the look and I laughed, "Well obviously she'll stop him. Don't worry."

"What happens if she doesn't stop him though. What happens if she turns out to actually like him.. I mean, who can resit Harry?" Zayn asked, pain clear in his voice.

"That won't happen because, you'll get there first." Liam placed his around around Zayn's shoulder.

He smiled. "Thank you guys."

"No problem! Though Zayn, I think you should wait a bit.. otherwise she may think you're acting desperate." Eleanor warned him. He nodded.

"Now.. What is taking them so long?" I wondered aloud.

Everyone eyes darted to the stairs, waiting for them to come down..


Skarry or Zayla? Which one do you ship? Next chapter..I like the next chapter! I feel so voice has to the world -.- Just before I go on holiday as well, I'm sooo lucky aren't I? Anyways, I have my MP4 loaded with One Direction and The WANTED songs so everything is good! Hehe, I better carry on writing...I'd really like some feedback because I feel like I'm talking to myself half the time..yeah I'll be going now :P -Tanisha xo'

edited: 24/12/13.

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