Chapter Twenty-Nine. {chloe smith}

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Hiiiiii (as Harry Styles would say) OHMYSYKES. 1,000 READS? Can't thank you guys enough:') Now, I have some great great news. Basically, I've got so many ideas for this story and I couldn't fit it down in this book.. so I've written a second book too. I'm on chapter four of that:') hehe. So this book.. I've written 80 chapters. Yeah, I'm sorry If you want to leave this adventure, feel free to leave any time. I do care and I will miss you but, I don't blame you aha. Anyways enough of me babbling! ON WITH THE DAMN STORY!! -Tanisha xo'



I'm always the first one to get up every morning. I don't really do those, "sleep in days." Once I'm up, I'm up. Early bird I guess.

I showered, changed into my orange onesie and headed downstairs.


I woke up early this morning, like every morning. I really don't like lazing in like my brother and mum.

I looked around to see my bag on the floor surrounded some boxers, joggers, boxes, converses, vans and high tops across the floor. I grabbed my wash bag and took a shower. I felt too lazy to change out of my purple onesie. It's too comfortable!

Mmmm...wait do I smell... MILSHAKE!! I rushed down the stairs, following the enduring smell which led me too... Harry?

"Morning." He smiled at me from the sofa. He was sitting watching match of the day.

"Hi. Sorry I thought I smelt milkshake.." I said sheepishly. Wait? Why am I apologising to him?!

He chuckled, "Well you smelt right. I was just making some, do you want some?"

I nodded my head quickly, sitting down on the arm chair.

"Nice onesie." Harry commented.

"You too.."

"So you're an early bird?"

"Yeah. I usually go for a jog.. and so are you." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah. The others are just... lazy?"

"Or, normal.. like my mum would say, 'Skyla, why can't you be normal! Why do you have to wake up so early for? What about beauty sleep?'" I mimicked my darling mother.

Harry laughed loudly, "Lovely mother!"

I simply shrugged.

Harry went over to the kitchen and poured out our milkshakes. He passed mines to me and I gulped it down quickly.

"Woah, so you must love milkshakes then."

"Obsessed I guess and with skittles."

"Cool, I'll keep that in mind." why?!

I turned my attention to the football as they were showing the Leicester City scores.

"YES 4-0! Haha, take that Nottingham Forest!" I cheered. Harry looked at me, amused.

"You're a footie fan then?"

"I don't know if you're noticed Harold, but I'm a tomboy." I stated.

"Oh I've noticed, babe."

"What was wrong with you last night?" I asked him, changing the subject before he starts winding me up.

"What do you mean?"

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