Chapter Fifty-Five. {where's Zayn?}

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~*~*{Zayn Malik}*~*~

Yep, he's ruined it. He's completely ruined our relationship. If he hadn't got involved when I weren't there... none of this shizz would've happened. Some band mate, some friend his is.

Skyla's mine.. can't he see that? He clearly wants her now that she's taken.. If he does get her, he'll end up leaving her anyway..

'Harry styles doesn't love. He only makes love.'

"C'mon Zayn. We can listen to some cool tunes!" Kevin announced. I rolled my eyes; I'm seriously not in the mood.

I thought Skyla would be over the moon to go shopping with me.. spend some alone time together.. I guess not.. I really really like her, maybe even love her. Urgh, stupid Harry.

~*~*{Harry Styles}*~*~

What an arsehole. Some boyfriend! He clearly doesn't deserve her.. I'm not saying I do either.. No-one does. She's too perfect..

"I know what'll cheer you up.."

"What Harry?"

"MILKSHAKE!!" A smile spread across her face and she rolled her eyes, "C'mon then!"

I extended my hand and she took it without a seconds it, and we ran down the crowded two streets to McDonalds.

~*~*{Niall Horan}*~*~

"This has the crappest day EVEERR!" Louis complained. It's all he's been saying all day! I'd be lying if I said it wasn't annoying.

"SUSHHHH!" Liam scowled at him, watching Toy Story intensely.


"LOUIS!" Liam groaned, throwing a pillow at him angrily.

I carried one eating my chicken leg, amused with the sight in front of me. Suddenly my phone buzzed. I checked it, to see a text:

"Me and Harold are coming home!- Skyla xo' "

I texted her back.

"gr8! can't wait 2 hear about ur day!- Nialler xx"

"well it wasn't very interesting... :p - Skyla xo'"

"LIEEEES! U ALWAYSS DO ':p' WHEN UR LYING ;) - Nialler xx"

"SHUTUP NO I DON'T :p - Skyla xo'"

"k then princess, see you in a few (: - Nialler xx"

"Skyla and Harry are coming back" I informed the others.

"FINALLY! LESS BORING PEOPLE!" Louis cheered, happily.

"They'll have some juicy gossip to tell us." I grinned.

We all laughed, thinking the same thing. Skyla with Harry is not a good thing.. Back in the days where she only liked me... good times.

"So you guys team Skarry or Team Zayla?" Louis smirked.

"What cheesy ship name, Lou!" I commented.


"There shouldn't be teams.." Liam frowned.

"Yeah, but if I had to pick.. it'll be team Skyla." I smiled.

"That wasn't one of the options!" Louis argued.

"I'm not picking." Liam announced, turning his attention back to the TV.

"Me too." I carried on munching on my chicken leg, Louis groaning again.. Poor boy.

All of a sudden the door opened, causing us all to immediately get to our feet and rush over to it.

"SKYYYYY!" I greeted her with a big hug.

"Niall!" She giggled in my arms.

"Soo... details!!" Louis poked Harry in the chest.

Harry smirked at him, "Good to see you too, Lou."

"Don't change the subject, curly!" Louis slapped his cheek.

"SO what have you guys been doing?" Skyla asked us, probably trying to save Harry.

"Watched Toy Story, one, two and three! It was so much fun!" Liam grinned at her, happily.

"Don't lie to the girl. It was the most agonizing torturous hours of my life!" Louis exclaimed dramatically.

"Such big words Lou." Skyla laughed.

"Yeah well it's okay. You guys are here now! Save me from my misery!"

"Cool. Let's just put this shopping away though." Skyla smiled picking up her bags and Harry followed as they headed up the stairs.

We all exchanged looks, thinking the same thing..

"Where's Zayn?"

{{so not proud of that chapter. but hey I had to type it up as I wrote it in my notebook!:) how we all thinking of the story so far hm? - Tanisha .x}}

 edited: 8/1/14.

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