Chapter Sixty-Eight.

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~*~*{{Harry Styles}}*~*~

Arriving at the club place with Chloe holding onto my arms, I could almost feel her pink manicured nails dig into my arm... ouch? Overprotective much?

"Okay Harry, put your hands anywhere you want; It's your lucky night!" Chloe winked at me.. I mentally rolled my eyes; I'm not impressed.

I put my hands on her shoulders and she tutted, moving them down her waist.. I froze.

"Er.. Chloe? We don't need to go that far..." I spoke, awkwardly.

I caught Liam and Skyla's eyes as they were laughing at us. They swayed to the music, no dirtiness there.. lucky them.

"Sush baby, I'm gonna make you feel so good tonight." Chloe whispered into my ear, then kissed my cheek with her pink lipstick.. SOMEONE HELP?!

|-|-|-Two Hours Later-|-|-|

~*~*{{Alexis. Skyla. Roberts}}*~*~

"Liiam... I'm tired!" I whined for the tenth time now.

He chuckled, "I know. You've told me."

"Can we go now?"

"Nope. We have to wait for the blonde tigress to get tired.." He sighed.

We were both so bored dancing.. Whenever Chloe was watching us, we had to pretend to be madly in love, grinding and nasty stuff like that.

"I need to pop to the bathroom." Liam kissed my forehead before walking off.


I groaned, looking around. People were staring at me like I was strange. Suddenly, a familiar beat kicked in.. I FOUND YOU!!!!!!! AHHH THIS IS MY JAME!!!

I danced like crazy to the music, forgetting about everyone around me. I felt a strong pair of arms slip around my waist. I gasped slightly, looking up... thankfully into those beautiful green eyes that I've missed so bad.. did I just say that?!

"Miss me?" Harry smiled at me.

"Very much!" I grinned back.. damn it, I just told the boy I missed him!!!!

"Is that you Skyla? Are you feeling okay?" He faked gasping, feeling my forehead.

I rolled my eyes, snaking my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist, swaying to the beat of the song... Nathan's solo, woho!

"Where's Chloe?" I asked him, suddenly remember the reason we were actually here dancing.

"She needed to 'update her makeup'. So she'll obviously take about an hour doing that.." Harry chuckled softly.

"You shouldn't be with me Harry.. you'll spoil the plan." I sighed, removing my arms from his neck...though it was so comfortable up there..

"But I just want to be with you, only you!" Harry whined childishly. Quoting High School Musical again.

"But you can't. I have Liam." I smirked.

Harry snorted, "and where's you boyfriend right now? Doing a poo?"

I smacked his arm playfully. He pouted giving me a hurt look.. he looked adorable, I'm not going to lie.

"You look amazing, yanno." Harry commented, looking at me up and down.

I rolled my eyes, "I hate it! This outfit is so revealing!"

"Psht.. trust me, I wish it was more revealing!" Harry smirked at me cheekily.

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