~*~*{Niall Horan}*~*~
We all decided as a way of celebrating, we should go to the theme park! I love roller coasters and the food there is amazing!!
Everyone agreed to let me drive but I could see them holding onto their seats 'just in case'. Wow. What faith they have in me.
Sky was sitting next to me and Liam was next to her. She was looking at the road ahead but, as soon as she saw the sign for the theme park, her jaw clenched and she gulped. Liam noticed too and touched her shoulder concerned, "Are you alright?"
Skyla gulped again when we drew into the car park, she nodded quickly, about to follow Liam out the car but, I grabbed her shoulder, holding her back.
"What's the matter, Sky?" I asked her, worriedly.
"I don't like roller coasters.." She mumbled sheepishly.
I smiled, awh that's adorable! "Don't worry! Neither does Harry!"
She frowned, "That makes everything better."
I chuckled, "We can go on the other rides, if you want?"
"No, no. I want you to have fun, Niall! I'll just... stay with Harry." Her expression was priceless. She looked angry and annoyed and tried to seem happy too.
"Okay then, come on Princess." I smiled at her.
We joined the others who were paying for the tickets. Zayn caught Skyla's eyes and smiled broadly at her. Hmmm, wonder what's going through his head..
"So, where to first?" Liam asked us.
"ROLLLLLLERCOAAASSSTERRR!!" Louis exclaimed. I grinned then looked at Skyla who was standing beside me, awkwardly.
"Harry, you and Sky go do something else while we go on the rides." I told him.
He nodded then looked at Skyla, a smirk forming onto his face, "You don't like roller coasters?"
"No." She replied bluntly, not meeting his eyes.
"Come on then lads! We aint got all day! We only booked it for a few hours!!" Louis said impatiently, taking Liam and Zayn's arms.
"Look after her, Haz." I whispered in his ear, sternly. Then laughed at how serious his face was!
A part of me was actually serious though. She's my best friend! We've been through so much! Harry's a player and he can rip her sweet heart into a million pieces if he wanted too.. though, I doubt that will ever happen. She's too strong and tough..
If anyone's heart will be ripped, it'll be his!
Great. Just bloody amazing! Alone with this curly arse hole again. Some friends I have.
"Where do you wanna go first?" Harry asked.
"The 4D cinema." I started walking quickly towards it, Harry jogging after me.
I sat down in the deserted cinema in a comfy seat and Harry sat next to me. Of all the places he could've sat!
The movies started; it was this titanic like movie. My chair started to vibrate and I screamed, gripping onto Harry's large hand. He froze, but then enterwinded our fingers.
I looked at him through the dark and I knew he was looking straight back.
"I will always love you.." The boy whispered to the girl as he pushed her onto the life boat.
Harry moved closer to me, our faces only a inch apart. It was like this morning all over again! Urgh, I should be moving away but, I sat there frozen into my seat.
Suddenly the chair suddenly jerked forward and water sprayed all over my face.
I closed my eyes, screaming my heart out. I lost grip of Harry's hand and I felt myself falling.
When I opened my eyes I found myself outside on a ride, OhMyGod! How did I get here!?
After the stupid ride was over, I was soaking wet. My top was completely drenched. My white shirk was sticking to my skin and my blue bra was clearly visible now.. crap.
~*~*{Harry Styles}*~*~
I swear that was supposed to be a 4D cinema! It turned out to be some water ride!
I was now dripping wet. I took my green hoodie off and wrapped it around my waist. My curls was slopping down my face too.. annoying. I looked around for Skyla but, she was no where to be seen.
That's when I saw this gorgeous chic standing in front of me. Her blue ripped shorts were sticking to her bum, sexily. Such a turn on, I was turning hard instantly.
I could see her bra visibly through her thin white shirt, oh god! WHAT THE HELL IS AIR!?
I strolled over to her and wrapped my arms around her an whispered into her ear in a deep growl, "Hey Baby.. I want you.."
I kissed her neck then moving down her shoulders. A little moan slip out her mouth, holy crap. I had to bit my lip, to stop myself from moaning too!
I spun her around to face me, cupping her wet cheeks with my hands. We opened our eyes slowly, revealing..
"OHMYGOD!!!!" Skyla screamed pushing me away from her. I stood frozen in my spot. Did I just.. we just.. huh?
"But- You- Me- Wet- I- Huh?!" I stammered, scratching the back of my neck. Aw damn it, this is frustrating.
Luckily for us, Liam came to the rescue.
"Hey guys-woah. I thought you hate rides?" Liam questioned, looking at us both, confused.
"It was this trick ride thingy. We thought it was 4D cinema." Skyla told him, there was bits of her voice that kept breaking. I don't think he noticed, though.
"Aw poor you!!! Niall's getting hungry so, we're gonna go to McDonalds because it's nearby."
Skyla nodded her head and walked off to the others. Liam looked at me then raised an eyebrow, "C'mon Haz."
I remained frozen.
We just another moment... I just told her that I wanted her.. and she moaned! I made her moan!
I couldn't be happier but, then I remembered.. things are going to really awkward at home.. especially at night.
Crap, well done Harry!
Gotta fix this now..
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. okkkkk, it's kinda exciting now !! Wanna know why? things might finally work out for Zayn! Yay!!!!! (: Don't worry Skarry shippers.... it may not or MAY last for long but hey! I'm excited, why? BECAUSE I AM! hehe, please comment and don't hate me for what's gonna happen in the next chapter :(( - Tanisha .x
edited: 27/12/13.

Love Is Impossible.
FanfictionAlexis. Skyla. Roberts is just an average eighteen year old from England. Her nine year old Directioner brother who thanks to him, her world changes completely. Skyla hates One Direction, actually hate isn't even the word. When the boys move in ne...