No, No, No, No, No, No, No, NO!! I just made everything worse! Damn it! Now I can't either one of those boys... I HAVE TO STAY NINE MONTHS WITH THEM AS WELL.
"Sky! Sky, open the damn door!" I heard a muffled voice shout from the other side of the door.
I was slumped on the floor against the door, my head on top of my legs.
I ignored the constant calls, focusing only on calming down.
I frowned and opened it angrily, "WHAT?!"
Niall's expression softened when he saw me. His blue eyes had that sparkle that he always had. "You alright, Princess?"
I shook my head. He close the bedroom door and held me in his arms, I sobbed on his shoulder. He rubbed my back soothingly.
"So you love... who, exactly?" He asked me, a tease in his voice. We sat opposite each other on the floor.
"I-erm-well-er...actually. I-" I wiped my eyes.
"-Don't love anyone. Because you don't believe in love." He smirked.
"Well yeah but... erm... I do love you guys because you guys are my best-friends my family...-"
"-EWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! YOU WENT OUT WITH A FAMILY MEMBER!!!!!!" Niall exclaimed.
"Shut up! Okay.. apart from Zayn! We aren't close anymore, anyway.." I sighed.
"Awh, but yanno... I thought I was your best-friend?" Niall pouted.
"You are! You're my number one best-friend. Louis is my partner in crime, and Liam is like my older brother." I smiled at him.
"YAAAAY! Wait, Zayn and Harry? What about them?" Niall questioned me curiously.
"Well Zayn is my ex..."
Nial burst out laughing at this, "THAT'S A MEAN WAY OF REMEMBERING HIM."
"I guess erm... Harry's my... lover/hater?"
Niall's blue eyes looked at me in confusion, yes Niall.. I'm confused myself.
"So, back to the subject. You shouted, 'BECAUSE I LOVE YOU.' Why?" Niall raised an eyebrow at me, a cheeky glint in those beautiful eyes.
I groaned at the memory, "It was an excuse to leave the room."
"Nope. There was actually meaning behind it." Niall stated.
"No, there isn't!" I protested.
"You're lying to me, Skyla! I thought I was your best-friend?!" Niall gave me a sad puppy face.. aw those blue eyes! How can I lie to them? Wait.. I'm not lying... I'm telling the truth, aren't I?
"My life saver." I grinned, heading for the door but Niall held it back firmly.
"We'll talk about this later." He told me, then opened the door for me. I sighed in frustration, damn it! I was soo close to getting away.
We skipped down the stairs hand in hand. The lads were all around the sofa where we usually sit. Harry had a huge smile on his face, his dimples exposed.
"HURRY UP. WE WANT TO HEAR THE NEW SONG." Louis dragged us to our armchair. I sat down on Niall's lap and Harry pressed play, catching my eye and gave me a cheeky wink... weird.
"Baby I, I wanna know what you think when you're alone
Is it me yeah? Are you thinking of me yeah? Oh
We've been friends now for a while
Wanna know that when you smile
Is it me yeah? Are you thinking of me yeah? Oh oh
Girl what would you do?
Would you wanna stay if I were to say
I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss
I wanna be first yeah
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this
And if you only knew I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your last, your last first kiss" Harry's melodic voice sand with such passion and emotion. It made my heart swell!If it did that to me, imagine those directioners! R.I.P.
After the song ended, I stood up automatically and started clapping followed by Louis, Niall and Liam while Zayn stayed sitting, but clapped slowly.
"Thankyou. I had to make it extraordinharry just for you." He smiled at me... huh?
"Well, it is was definitely fablouis. WELL DONE MY CURLY SEXY BUDDY!" Louis jumped up and down excitedly.
"Yep! Brilliam! How did you think of those lyrics? Did you have any help?" Liam asked him, curiously.
Harry's cheeks flushed a little, "Nope. It was all me actually.. well apart from the instruments, obviously not me. Erm, er... they came to me.. sort of."
"That's impressive! Did you have any meaning behind the lyrics?" Niall quizzed him as we all sat back down.
Harry scratched the back of his neck, "Erm.... well... erm... well... yeah."
"Well? What was it?" Liam questioned him.
"Erm, I forgot." He admitted sheepishly, looking away from Liam. Weird.. how can you forget the inspiration of such an amazing song?
Louis suddenly erupted with laugher. Liam joined in, then Niall. Zayn was intensely staring at his phone. I looked at the weird laughing boys, confused.
"Erm.. did I miss the joke or something?"
"OH PRINCESS." Niall hugged me from behind, laughing in my hair.
"ALEX, YOU POOR CARROT." Louis exclaimed, carrot? What?
"Aw Skyla." Liam laughed.
"I'M SO CONFUSED." I frowned, crossing my arms.
Harry was still looking away, his cheeks really flaming.. I feel so left out.
"YOU GUYS ARE BULLIES." I stormed out the house, a bit overdramatically but hey ho.
I hadn't been out the front door in a while. We usually go through the garage.
I glanced at my old house. So empty now..
A single tear slipped down my cheek before I could stop it.
I wonder how Dylan's doing.. I hope he's okay.
I tried to forget about my real family but, who can?
It's impossible.. just like love.
really not impressed with that chapter tbh. I was such a carrot when I wrote it in my notebook.
seven chapters to go guys. Oh, the next chapter is one of my favourite Skarry chapters. Really nice tbh. And very long-.- ahaha. I really can't believe part one is going to end soon......Will you all read Part 2? Bc, you'll be disappointed with how I ended this one.. okay I love you all. You guys keep me going every day tbh.. Goal; 2 votes. -Tanisha .x

Love Is Impossible.
FanfictionAlexis. Skyla. Roberts is just an average eighteen year old from England. Her nine year old Directioner brother who thanks to him, her world changes completely. Skyla hates One Direction, actually hate isn't even the word. When the boys move in ne...