Zayn opened the door, holding it open for me. I smiled, and walked in. The house was massive inside! There was a huge plasma TV on the wall, foosball, snooker table, beanbags and big black leather sofa. The kitchen was rammed with food. There was a few boxes here and there too and also, canvases of the boys across the walls.... that killed my happiness.
"Woah..." I breathed, taking it all in.
"You like it?" Zayn asked me, putting my bag down on the floor. Not once had he winced in pain of how heavy it was.
"It's like heaven, apart from the disgusting pictures.."
Zayn chuckled, "What would you put up then?"
"The Wanted. I'm obsessed with them. Just like your Directioners are for you. I've been part of TWFanmily since 2010, had fights with your fans, cried over their music, fangirled over pictures, sang along to songs, laughed with them in flips*, smiled to see how far they've come." I smiled, proudly.
Zayn looked at me in shock at first then smiled, "They're lucky to have such a dedicated fan like you."
"Thanks Zayn!" Zayn turned a cute shade of pink but, before I could comment, Niall comes skipping down the stairs.
"SKYY!!!!" Niall exclaimed running up to me, hugs me and spins me around. I couldn't stop laughing, one of the best moments of my life!
"NIALLL!!" I screamed. He laughed and put me down. "Welcome to Hotel 1D. I am Niall Horan, and I shall be your servant." Niall said in his best British Accent, sounding very cheesy. "Shall I escort you to your room?"
"Yes you may." Niall linked our arms as we headed up the stairs but, then he turned round to face Zayn, "Bell Boy! Don't just stand there! Those bags aren't going to move themselves!"
I snorted trying to hide my laughter. Zayn obediently followed with his head high like a proper bell boy. I guess this'll be fun!!
"Now, we were thinking of giving you the room that is touching your room but, Harry got there first.." Niall said sadly.
"So, your room is next to his. Wait, Zayn come here!!" Niall gasped and they huddled together, whispering between themselves.. weird.
"There's only three bedrooms!"
I looked around and of course, he was right. Why didn't we look around first before we went to the fans house?!
"Ohh.. what's the sleeping arrangements then?"
"Well.. Me and Liam are going to share a room, of course. Louis and Harry would sleep together but, remember that situation that happened with Eleanor...Yanno the one where they were about to..yanno..anyway..so, Louis told me to make sure they're not staying together.."
"What about Larry??" I gasped dramatically.
"Well, that means you have to sleep with Louis and..-"
"That's not right! How is that fair on Skyla?! She said she doesn't want anything to do with Harry!" I argued.
"I know, I know! I was thinking me and Sky sharing a room but, then Liam hates mess so..Harry and Skyla are the only option.." Niall sighed, loudly.
"What about me and Harry?!" Skyla demanded, way to go Niall!
"Err..er you have to sleep in the same room as Harry.." I stammered, cover yourselves, she's about to blow! If this was an animation, she'd have smoke coming out her ears right now...
"No." She said simple. She picked up her bag, that she was clearly struggling with and made her way to the top of stairs.
"Sky wait, just ignore him! Don't let him get to you! Ignore the boxers and stuff all over the floor and everything will be fine okay!" Niall pleaded her but, if I were her, I'd ignore him.
"I don't care about the mess Niall. I'm honestly really really messy myself. It's HIM that I don't want. I though I told you guys, I don't want anything to do with Harry!!"
"And why's that?!" A husky deep voice came from behind me.
Oh this just keeps getting better and better!!
*-flips; are videos that The WANTED make every Wednesday as part of 'WantedWednesday'.
edited: 20/12/13.

Love Is Impossible.
FanfictionAlexis. Skyla. Roberts is just an average eighteen year old from England. Her nine year old Directioner brother who thanks to him, her world changes completely. Skyla hates One Direction, actually hate isn't even the word. When the boys move in ne...