"PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!" I barked at Harry for the fifth time now.
"I NEED TO GO BACK TO THE CLUB, LIAM!!" Harry screamed back at me.
"I've only had five shots and a tequila!" Harry argued.
"Well that's enough for tonight." I answered calmly.
"No I don't?" what?
"Yes, yes you do. You're out to get me." Harry crossed his arms across his chest and sat on the floor pouting rather childishly.
"OHMYGOD! GET UP!" I ordered him.
"Arghh HARRY!"
"Arghh WOMAN!"
I can't deal with this. I made my way to the door with Harry dragging along the floor, clutching my foot.
As I came to the living room, I waved to the others who had stopped their conversations and were staring at Harry and I.
"Ermm..Vas Happenin'?" Zayn spoke.
"Oh nothing much. Just bonding with my band mate." I answered, innocently.
"Haz, you okay mate?" Louis asked him, his eye brow raised at the curly haired boy.
"Hi Lou." Harry replied cheerfully but, didn't move from his position.
"Okay, enough is enough. Get off Harry!" I demanded, shaking my leg attempting to loosen his strong grip.
"NOOOO MUUMMMY!!!" Harry shrieked.
Niall came over to my side and Louis grabbed Harry by the waist before trying to pull us away from each other, but no use. Zayn came onto my side and pulled...nothing.
"Skyla..." I sang, looking at her innocently.
"Whaat?..." She hissed annoyed, obviously not wanting to be involved with this awkward situation.
"SIT. ON. HAZZA!" we all chorused.
"Ew no!" She exclaimed, crossing her arms stubbornly.
Niall shook his head, picking her up easily and plopped her down on Harry's lap. "NIlllAALLL!!" She yelled at him.
"I'm sorry!!" Niall pouted at her sadly.
"GIIIRLL!!!!" Harry gasped and wrapped his arms around Skyla, finally my leg was free.
Suddenly Skyla let out a high pitched scream. "HELP HER! HELP HER!" Everyone frantically took Harry away from her and Louis rushed him upstairs to bed.
"He-he-he-he- HE HUGGED ME!!" Skyla sobbed in Niall's arms.
"Sush, sush, I know. It's okay." Niall rubbed her back, soothingly.
"I hate you guys!" She pouted at us, cutely with her eyebrows creased together.
"Aw but we've bonded so well!" I cried dramatically.
"Okay, Okay! Everyone need's a Horan Hug, BRING IT IN!" Niall announced, pulling us all together..aww.
"DON'T FORGET MEE!!" Louis yells, running down the stairs then jumping so we all land in a bundle on the carpet.."arghh Louis.." we all groaned, what a sad bunch we are.. and it's only the first night!
-15 minutes later-
We were all in our onesies, well apart from Skyla who was in a tank top and comfy shorts.
"Hey yanno, I brought Eleanor a onesie, Alex. It's purple and she claims she's not 'cool enough' to wear one, but I bet it'll suit you!" Louis grinned at her, passing her a bag. A few seconds later, she comes out the bathroom with a purple and black stared onesie on.
"It's perfect, thanks Lou!" She smiled at him.
We're all wearing different colours; Skyla- Purple. Niall- Green. Zayn- Blue. Me- White. Louis- Red.
"We look awesome!!" Louis cries.
"We could go around the streets and save people of our city from danger!" Niall does a superman pose.
"Yeah, if you wanna get yourself knocked out by thugs!" Skyla laughed.
"I'm getting tired guys.." Zayn yawns, suddenly.
"Aw, when Princess Zaynie gets tired we all go to bed. He needs his beauty sleep, otherwise he'll be groggy the next day!" Louis explained to Skyla.
She nodded her head slowly and rubbed her eyes. "Where am I sleeping again?" She asked sleepily, eeek...
"I'll carry you.." Zayn told her, picking her up bridal style. Louis did a low wolf whistle behind his back but, it was loud enough to send me and Niall into fits of laughter.
We all followed Zayn and Skyla into Harry's bedroom. Harry was topless in his joggers, sprawled across the big king sized bed. Zayn pushed him to one side and lay down Skyla as if she was a princess.
We creeped out slowly, shutting the door but then we heard a thud and rushed back in to see Harry across the floor. Skyla had a huge smile across her face, atta girl.
"Do you think she'll be alright, guys?" Zayn asked us worriedly, shutting the door.
"Yeah, Yeah. She's a tough girl. Harry stands no chance against her." Niall reassured him.
"Night guys." I yawned, dragging Niall off to bed.
Today was a long day.. Tomorrow will be better...
That's what he thinks ;) LOL, erm.. guys.. I'd really appreciate some comments, see what you think about the story. I accept all criticism, it makes my stories better. Thanks! -Tanisha xo'

Love Is Impossible.
FanfictionAlexis. Skyla. Roberts is just an average eighteen year old from England. Her nine year old Directioner brother who thanks to him, her world changes completely. Skyla hates One Direction, actually hate isn't even the word. When the boys move in ne...